HARVESTING: Getting Higher CBD Levels


Active Member
I read somewhere (I lost where) that depending on how you harvest your buds, you can get higher CBD levels with any strain. I need someone who is knowledgeable about this topic to help me out. Thanks.
and why the fuck you want cbd? doesn't get u high...

Because CBD and other Canabinoids work alongside the THC. THC is what gives the hammering couch lock stone and CBD gives the creative trippy highs, CBD strains are highly medicinal.

THC with the CBD gives a social high, pure THC by itself is what can make you paranoid and anxious (depending on your mindset) , every strain has some degree of CBD in it just usually negligible so they don't measure it. Which is exactly why synthetic Delta 9 THC doesn't work anywhere near as using the whole bud... Do some reading before you make ridiculous posts like that.

OP I reckon it is a bit of an urban myth, there may be ways of helping it along but you'll have to look hard XD
I had a seizure yesterday. On a side note, nurse agreed with me using medical cannabis, but later on, my whole family starting saying that the seizures could have been caused by the marijuana, which case I convinced them other wise, we know its not true. THC helps me with insomnia, and now, muscle spasms, and I want to get higher thc to help me with seizures. And I heard from "weed wars" that people with zeizures think thc causes it but its a bs hype myth just like weed causes anxiety. Myth. Doesnt with me and if you get anxiety when you smoke and blame it on weed, its all in your silly imagination. So I know cannabis is safe right now, and helps me so much, nausea even after coming from the ER, but I want to get as much cbd in my strains so I can be even more worry free. Screw seizure pills, so many bad effects. HIGH cbd + HIgh THC will the best medicine in the world! So thats why. Does anyone else have some info?
This might be an interesting read for you: http://growweedeasy.com/how-do-THC-and-CBD-relate-to-cannabis-potency

The only thing I can suggest is get some strains that are high in CDB, there are some good ones on attitude, Violator Kush I think is a good one...

As for increasing CBD levels, I've heard that leaving the plants to mature for a bit longer helps, once you have amber trichs let it go to something like 60-70% amber 40-30% Cloudy, but without lab equipment or reading studies I can't say whether it's entirely true :)
EDIT: sorry :) done a few of these edits, this passage from that thread will help you the most:

"Another way to help control the amount of THC and CBD in your plant is to choose the right time to harvest your plant. You can pick the right time to harvest if you watch the trichomes (also known as crystals or resin glands, basically, it's the glittery stuff your see on your marijuana buds). You tend to get the highest overall THC levels if you harvest your plant when all the trichomes are milky/white, or they are half milky and have translucent.

f you wait to harvest your plant until 50% or more the trichomes are amber colored, then you will get a final result that has a bit less THC, but more CBD. A simpler method to determine when to harvest is to just wait until the buds have only 10% or less total white pistols/hairs. You will notice that your cannabis buds keeps growing more and more white hairs over the course of the flowering stages, but eventually (it feels like forever) the buds will stop growing new white hairs and 90% or more of the hairs will have darkened. It's hard but waiting to harvest until your cannabis plant has run it's whole life course will maximize your CBD levels. This often means keeping your cannabis in the flowering stage for a full 3-4 months. Many growers like to harvest earlier than that, but if you allow your cannabis to run its full course, you will maximize your CBD levels and your yields."
High CBD harvest erly. More clear trics. And a few cloudy. One of the people I grow for has major MS and seizures. I make him lotions high in CBD's helps with the shaking of his hands. And make a butter also higher in CBD. He dosnt smoke. I've had him on this for almost a year. He now has better control of his hands and dosnt drop things as much. Also only had 1 seizure. But it was short. We almost didn't know he was done by the time we could react.

And as for the guy that said why it dosnt get you high!!! Wanna bet? Just not on the phyco level. And this is a med not just to get high
Well let me re say that. Your not going to get higher cbd's that is what's in the strains genetics. But what you do is minamize the THC levels. Pulling erly less THC. Later more THC degraded. So try both ways and find what you like. Have 2 plants and pull one erly and let the other go 3 weeks then pull it and you will know what's best for you.
I can pull one earlier and save the other one for later and then save a sample of both and have it tested to see if early or late harvest has any effect on the cbd levels at all. Has anyone tried to do this?
I can pull one earlier and save the other one for later and then save a sample of both and have it tested to see if early or late harvest has any effect on the cbd levels at all. Has anyone tried to do this?

Personally I haven't tried it but if you have the ability or access to test samples all I can say is give it a go! I do like the idea of higher CBD it really makes for a creative stone :D

It would also clear a lot of the stigma surrounding the topic. If you can prove one way or the other!

Stay Frosty!
I can pull one earlier and save the other one for later and then save a sample of both and have it tested to see if early or late harvest has any effect on the cbd levels at all. Has anyone tried to do this?
I would be extremely grateful if you did this. I have severe Ulcerative Colitis and need to figure out how to get as much CBD as possible so I don't have to start chemo later this year...
When using a microscope to examine the trichromes, the more amber colored ones in a representative field over milky colored ones will lean to cbd levels increasing and thc levels decreasing. In theory you cant make a high thc strain lets use og kush SFV for example into a high cbd one. If its cbd your after I suggest you grow the Harlequin strain. I have seen analysis at a local cooperative where the thc is 6% and the cbd is 16%.
If you're really interersted in the chemical profile of your meds, take a look at the Doctoral Thesis from 2009 linked below. It wasn't in any peer reviewed journal, but seems to provide more good information than is available elsewhere.

A thesis submitted by
David Potter JP

Here is the link to it:http://www.gwpharm.com/uploads/phd_david_potter_jp.pdf

Here is a quote from the study:

Chapter 4. The Function and Exploitation of Secondary Metabolites from Glandular Trichomes of Cannabis sativa L.
Plant development was seen to have ceased by their eighth week in short daylength, and plants harvested after nine and ten weeks showed very high levels of foliar senescence. The results of the cannabinoid assay suggest that both cultivars had reached maximum potency at the end of the seventh week in short daylength. In both chemotypes, delaying the harvest beyond the eigth week of flowering appears to have no clear effect on the terpene or cannabinoid profiles.

What's interesting here is that all the worry about the precise timing of harvest may have less impact than many growers think-- if you look at the chemical profiles.

I'm just starting to read through this, but it is the most comprehensive look at potency in mmj that I have found. It also goes into a full terpene profile, which you may find useful.
CBD is genetic, it is what it is. All amber trichs mean is the thc has degraded and it's past the peak.

Harvesting early, when trichs are clear do tend to to give a more heady, wired kind of high (to what extent again is strain dependent.) harvesting when they are all cloudy with amber barely showing up is peak potency.
should check out http://projectcbd.org/ all kinds of good info there. Seems its genetic, not a harvesting trick. Hemp has a high CBN count and low THC but is not considered a medicine, if high CBN count was all that was needed we could just smoke hemp. There is much more too it than just harvesting early or late and is based more on genetics.
Yeah it's all in the genetics. Most strains have a very low cbd content (-5%), but more research is being done every day and people are starting to breed high cbd strains again. It was not a desired trait for so many years when people were developing high thc strains. I heard TGA's harlequin strain was very high in cbd.
Not HOW you harvest, but WHEN. Late harvest is thought to give higher CBD levels.

THC is what gives the hammering couch lock stone and CBD gives the creative trippy highs, CBD strains are highly medicinal.
You got it backwards. CBD is couchlock, body stone and THC is racey trippy head high.

High CBD harvest erly. More clear trics. And a few cloudy.
This is also backwards. From all that I've read, THC degrades into CBD AND CBN when the trichs start turning amber in late harvest

EDIT: actually yesum may be right about THC only degrade into CBN.
Not HOW you harvest, but WHEN. Late harvest is thought to give higher CBD levels.

You got it backwards. CBD is couchlock, body stone and THC is racey trippy head high.

This is also backwards. From all that I've read, THC degrades into CBD AND CBN when the trichs start turning amber in late harvest

EDIT: actually yesum may be right about THC only degrade into CBN.

THC only degrades into CBN, not to CBD. CBD has to be in a plant's genetics, you're not getting more CBD with amber trichomes. It's better to provide sources and pictures.

Some videos on cannabinoids:

CBN (Cannabinol):

CBD (Cannabidiol):


Santa Cruz Labs Video Page.