Harvesting soon


So i have 4 plants from nirvanashop.com that are day 63 from 12/12 but about day 53 from pistils. The planned harvest date is in 10 days of when i hope to harvest. Wont be harvesting unless i think they are done. This is my first grow and I used an imported cheap LED so i dont plan on yield being all that.

The Ak48 buds are super small and fluffy and it seems they havent gotten enough light to me. The rest of them look fine. Was basically just posting to get any input from anyone whose grown these strains and about how long it took to flower. Ive included micro pics for anyone who wants to try to judge harvest date from trichomes or even overall looks of plants. They arent best pics so sorry for that. Not looking for criticism on the things you can see wrong with the leafs in the pics, i am aware and have looked into it. I basically got bored and decided to post here to get outside input on harvest dates or if im way off and they seem like they got to go longer. The breeder says they are all 8-10 week strains except the master kush which says 7-9. The trichomes on all of them are pretty similiar. Majority are cloudy while i can find a few amber ones every now and then. Im not looking for much amber since i dont want too much couchlock. Would prefer to harvest at peak cloudiness. More info on plants below.

Super Skunk. She is probably the one i am looking forward to the most. She looks amazing and super crystally but the smell isnt as skunk as i hoped it would be. The few times i smoked weed that smelt like straight road kill i loved it and hoped this one would be similiar in smell. Still satisfied with her so far.
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Ak48. This is the one that seems like it didnt get enough light since the buds are so small and fluffy. As you can see the lower leafs arent looking that good. the buds, especially the lower ones are small. It is still super crystally and smells good so smoke will be good but harvest wont. Im considering letting her go a little longer just to see if she will get denser. Put 2 cfl bulbs directly over her the other day to help with light penetration

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Master Kush. This is another one I am looking forward to greatly. She easily has the densest nugs and the biggest colo out of all them. She also looks like she is the closest to finishing in my opinion. I feel like i could pull her now but im planning on sticking it out 10 more days just to be on the safe side. basically all of her pistils have turned orange and majority of them have been orange for longer than any of the other ones. This is the 7-9 week one.
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Wonder Woman. This bud is looking like a super light green bud and also smells pretty good. Her top bud as you can see has split which I didnt expect at all. She still has a few white pistils and obviously looks like she needs those 10 days. I could actually see her being one i dont pull in 10 days.
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Now that i look the micro pics are so blurry they are basically pointless. Oh well hopefully theyll help a bit