

Well-Known Member
Has anyone used a humidifier to control the room when drying and to keep it around 50% ?

Just wondering because when I dried before without this what I bought recently to set the room to exactly what I want it to maintain at 60-62 should I use this? Or just leave it be and not control with humidity fan.

My room is set around 50-60% humidity without anything. Just curious if it'll make a difference or fuck up the harvest thanks folks


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used a humidifier to control the room when drying and to keep it around 50% ?

Just wondering because when I dried before without this what I bought recently to set the room to exactly what I want it to maintain at 60-62 should I use this? Or just leave it be and not control with humidity fan.

My room is set around 50-60% humidity without anything. Just curious if it'll make a difference or fuck up the harvest thanks folks

"Maintain temperature (60-70°F) and humidity (50-60%) for 7-14 days until stems snap instead of bending."

You want to be on the lower end of the temps and higher end of the humidity for a proper hang cure and to avoid any green smell. It takes time for the enzymatic processes of the plant to break down chlorophyll.

I use a blacked out grow tent that has inlet & exhaust fans with carbon filters on each, run those at lowest setting. The tent naturally stays around 62% RH early off, then slowly decreases over time (ideal).

Never force dehumidify unless you're flash drying the outside 1-2 hours prior to trim to make leaves break off easier. (great technique for machine trimming) *They shouldn't be ready for this until they've been hanging for at least 7 or 8 days, if they are dry sooner than you dried too fast.


Well-Known Member
p.s my tent is in a room that is around 75 °F 50% RH and the inside of the tent is around 70 °F 62% when I first put plants in, then it slowly starts to drop naturally through the constant slow ventilation & intake of filtered air. If your weed dries sooner than a week then you dried too fast, it will cause the weed to smoke harsh and have a green/sweet grass smell. Been using the mentioned method for 5 years.


Well-Known Member
50-60% without adding humidity, is pretty damn good

In that case, I'd advise not adding any moisture and just focus on getting the temp as close to 60°f as you can.

60°f at 60% RH is the goal, but, as I always say, close enough is close enough.