Has anybody grown blueberry from dutch passion?


Active Member
i am currently just starting a blueberry (dutch passion) crop in a DWC settup. and the only thing i can say for sure is that with my experience it germinates very quickly but it has taken many days for it to finally crack the surface and is not finally starting to stand up after about 5 days. personally this was a shocker i thought they had died on me! it might be because its genetics are to grow slowly , im not sure.
will post more as they grow. i am excited to be finally growing this particular strain.



Well-Known Member
I am currently growing the same strain as you are(dp blueberry) and having the same issue with my seedlings. I'm just wondering if you also had very small seeds. I compared some bag seeds to my blueberry seeds and it's like half the size of the bag seeds. I just got done germinating them and planted it today so hopefully they sprout soon. I'm looking forward on your future post on this strain. good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm growing DP Blueberry from one fem single seed I ordered from Attitude. I've flowered out 4 x 42"-52" clones in RDWC and the original mother double topped in pro mix. I've got one 6 cola plant in RDWC and one 14" clone in pro-mix (first week in flower).

The first grow I used a 3200K MH for flower, the plants didn't like it at all, stretched, small buds, weak potency. I'm using a Horticulture HPS 2100K this grow and the plants are responding totally different - less stretch and if you touch the buds you feel greasy. The first clones stretched from 8" to a high of 52" and didn't produce a lot. This grow the clone stretched about 50% in hydro and looks much healthier. Go easy on the nutes and it's no harder to grow than Northern Lights. Get DP seeds, don't ruin your garden with F2s from a seed producer.

The stone was weak with my first plants, I had to roast the bud and vaporize in my Volcano because I was out (no time for an air cure) so the potency and taste weren't there. I don't have much information to offer you on the stone, but hopefully I will in a couple of months. ;)




Well-Known Member
A little bit of a challenge to grow. go easy on the nutes. tends to hermie if stressed or grown to long. I have a friend that has grown it several times. A few times it really wasn't that great. The last 2 times were a success (no hermies) If grown right smells and tastes like Blueberries. Blueberry has kind of a unique happy, functional high, not overpowering yet lasts pretty long.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice guys.I'm still waiting on them to pop up from the rapid rooter. It's just a waiting game now.


Well-Known Member
i'm on my 3rd DP Blueberry grow...

i ordered 20 feminized beans from Dr. Chronic... there are some variations in phenotype... i use 6 plants for each grow... and with my current grow i used 7, 5 of which are very small and runt-like... 2 i would have kept as mothers, they are monsterous, by 2 week veg, they were 4x bigger than the small ones. So if you only get one seed, you could get screwed with a tiny tiny plant, all of the seeds are not the same. the 2 huge plants are now finishing at different times... one is done, one looks like it has 2 weeks left, but its a little bigger...

the smoke is really stoney - makes me sleepy after i burn it, and does last a good while... i dont think the bud smells or tastes anything like blueberries... i work from home on my computer but i dont find BB to be very creative herb, it just makes me want to sit on the couch, or nap. its a decent indica based strain, but i'm a sativa man ;-)

growing from clones would solve all of the phenotype problems, but i would make sure to choose a mother from 10 seeds... because 1/2 of them will be small phenotypes. the larger phenos also have really good trichome production - they are completely covered in trichs by the time they get chopped.

here are some pics from the last grow - i havent put any up from the current one yet (which looks much better)

2000watts, in Ebb and Flow system using Advanced Nutrients with a screen of green...

hope that helps...


Well-Known Member
them look just like mine .. im on my 3 rd round .. pics in avator.. and in journal.. cant get them to post cause im a retard.. nice plants up there man..

did it yeild well for you ?? i didnt get much 2.4lbs 3000watts 3 week veg.. 9weeks flower... i will grow it one last time


Well-Known Member
what is a good ppm to schedule for this plant.. i still get like a P-K deff.. i started at 800 week one in bloom and got up to 1700 by the end.. but was forced to flush cause i thought i had nute burn.. im starting to think its not enought nutes/?? any help.. forced to flush during week 6.. i know i got the salts down to 350 but the symptoms continued till the end


Well-Known Member
what are the "symptoms" you are talking about?

i noticed some phenos that change color more than others, and there are lots of purple stems - I think this is genetic, not a deficiency...

yeildwise... i veg for 2-3 weeks and use a screen... i also use 2000 watts over my 14 sq ft screen where most people would use 800w total...

i still get 1lb per 1Kw with no co2...

this grow i switched to the advanced nutrients line, and just tried to screw up less ;-)

next grow i'll have the co2, but it wont be blueberry...

i'll see if i can get some current pics up for anyone wanting to do BB


Well-Known Member

i dont know if you can see on this pic.. but the edges and tips of the leaves got brownish yellow and started to die and get crispy.. pretty sure its P and K deff.. i dont think i was feeding enough????? what do you guys think


Well-Known Member
looks like a little nute burn... but the leaves do yellow up near harvest.

here are some pics of my blueberry... about to be chopped

pics are of my screen at flowering week 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, with budshots at 5 and 8 ;-)



Well-Known Member
Beautiful! I like the Volcano bag too, best way to vape.

Are those in soilless or hydro? What do you call that screen method - sea of green ... scoggrapyetc .... supercroping? Looks incredible.

You're doing that with floros too! Damn! What is the main light? How many CFLs?




Well-Known Member
i go 8 or 9.. but from seed it took 11??
nice buds again bloodshot.. i found out today that my prob in not enough K so im gonna hit em up this round... tomorrow i start my journal


Well-Known Member
Beautiful! I like the Volcano bag too, best way to vape.

Are those in soilless or hydro? What do you call that screen method - sea of green ... scoggrapyetc .... supercroping? Looks incredible.

You're doing that with floros too! Damn! What is the main light? How many CFLs?


yup - 2 cfls and an 18" fluoro tube will do it for me... lol

nah, i have two 1000w bulbs above that... the cfls and the fluoro tube are UVB bulbs... i'll add more for next grow... and also co2

ScrOG = Screen of Green

most of what you see there is 2 plants... there are 5 plants in the middle getting choked out by 2 huge bitches ;-)

they are in an ebb/flow hydro system with advanced nutrients and hydroton as a medium, flooded once an hr while the lights are on.

glad you appreciate it - that took half an hr to compile those pics, resize and post ;-)
