Has anybody grown LSD?

I am growing LSD and 10 weeks into flower and does not appear to be any where near ready. The buds are very large and fluffy and it smells great but not even 1 red hair, all pure white. I cut one little one at 10 weeks to see and it was weak and tasted bad. I would appriciate any imput from an experienced LSD grower. Thanks


Well-Known Member
most breeders put a rough flowering period it sometimes could take up to a week or two longer try post some pics and someone will tell you how fair you are away


Well-Known Member
I flowered mine for 63 days and got this002.JPG. I don't know what the hold up is with yours. Have you checked the trichomes? My plant still had a few white hairs but her trichs were 70% cloudy 30% amber. This little girlie is some crazy smoke too. Had me stuck on the couch forever. Hope things work out for you.
Here is a shot of one at 10 weeks. Anybody got an idea about this. After 10 days of curing the first one tastes a bit better and works better too. Still not really impressed!LSD - 10 WEEKS TOMORROW lr.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm only taking aguess here, and I'm sure I'll be corrected, I would say your little girl does not look good. She looks under fed and under lit. What kind of lights are you using, what kind of nutes you got? What's been your feeding schedule and doses have you been using? I hope I didn't offend, not my intention. If you give me a little more info I can try to be more help. I've grown this strain twice. She happens to be one of my favorites
I doubt that. I am at 60 watts per sf hps and full nutes. I am sure that high temps in my room this summer did not help and caused the buds to get all fluffy. Ph has also been a bit higher than I like. Still this is not my first time at the dance. Even with some problems they still finish.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm a little late responding to this thread, but I was searching around for LSD info and came across it. The pheno shown in mrgreengenes pic is exactly what I get. I have grown probably 10 or 12 plants orignating from 4 seeds. Every one has had that loose, airy, stringy calyx type pheno.

I have several that are at 8 weeks today. The plants look healthy but all the pistils are still white, not a lot of trichs, and not a lot of smell (althoguh I am battling a cold at the moment). I am hoping a few more weeks improve them. It is worth noting that the first plants, from seeds, were extremely potent. Subsequent plants from clones have been ok, but nowhere near the first ones.


Well-Known Member
hmmm I have one outdoors @4weeks flower that looks nothing like that. Crazy branching and budding, I think it MAY be polyploid, or at the very least just a great pheno.. so great I took cuttings and started going inside, I don't want to lose this pheno. I'm actually planning on passing cuttings around to friends to hopefully keep it around for years. Not sure what your issue is but I'm guessing the heat you talked about royally stressed them. good luck hope you get it figured out.


Well-Known Member
this is my LSD it was cut at day 63. i got a really tall spindely pheno, but by far the best weed i have ever smoked or grown. this shit will get you fried. 600 watt HPS fox farm nutes, pro mix soil, added CO2. the smell is unreal

