Has anyone done a SOG drip system before?


Well-Known Member
i cant see any reason why it wouldnt work. im doing a waterfarm scrog now but its going to take to long so im thinking im moving towards sog. maybe gonna run 9 waterfarms off 1 res and veg clones for 4 weeks i think that should be ample to give me a huge yeild and a fairly even canopy
i cant see any reason why it wouldnt work. im doing a waterfarm scrog now but its going to take to long so im thinking im moving towards sog. maybe gonna run 9 waterfarms off 1 res and veg clones for 4 weeks i think that should be ample to give me a huge yeild and a fairly even canopy
your going to have to have separate res for each stage of the sog


Well-Known Member
if your tables are 4x4 its just silly having 4 plants!! you should be aiming for 64 per table. Maybe just do 32 for starters 2per square ft instead of 4. what light per table?
Why not harvest 2 tables at a time every 4 weeks?
if your tables are 4x4 its just silly having 4 plants!! you should be aiming for 64 per table. Maybe just do 32 for starters 2per square ft instead of 4. what light per table?
Why not harvest 2 tables at a time every 4 weeks?
I was kinda sticking to the rule of thumb 1 plant per square ft

And I could do I harvest every 4 weeks what are some pros and cons of doing a 4 week or 2 week


Well-Known Member
dude 1 per square foot ain't sog!! if your good you can fit 9 of those babies!! yee ha!! As I said start with 2 per square then work ur way up!


Well-Known Member
your going to have to have separate res for each stage of the sog
all the plants will be at the same stage? clones so why would i need different res maybe i dont understand sog i thought it was just using many small plants to fill a space and make an even canopy regardless of the style of the grow medium? please explain now im just confused
all the plants will be at the same stage? clones so why would i need different res maybe i dont understand sog i thought it was just using many small plants to fill a space and make an even canopy regardless of the style of the grow medium? please explain now im just confused
I guess i shouldn't say you have to but i was thinking to give the plants 4 different stages of nute maybe im wrong if there a simpler way im all hears
all the plants will be at the same stage? clones so why would i need different res maybe i dont understand sog i thought it was just using many small plants to fill a space and make an even canopy regardless of the style of the grow medium? please explain now im just confused
but how can you have a even canopy with plants at different stages of life


Well-Known Member
just do some research bro!! aim for at least 50w. per sq ft and try and get up to atleast 4plants per sqft. Don't forget alot of trimming involved with this many plants.trim all bottom 3rd week 1 and 3!!
there are some real pros on this site bro, ask them for advice, but not silly question, make sure you do your own study!!
good look with the grow !


Well-Known Member
each tables plants will be at the same stage with it's own res
table 1. - week 1-4
table 3 etc etc or if you decide to go 4 tables you have 4 different stages!!
sorry I'm on my phone, excuse the mess lol
I'm running with a drip system for over the last year it's great!! As long as u don't over water you will be chill!! The only problem with SOG i would see is with the different nute schedule but if u got them on different tables u should be cool!