Has anyone ever done this 18/6 or 2/1


Well-Known Member
okay.. so as far as temp goes.. mine are too high. I'm wondering if anyone has ever used a light cycle something like 3 hours on and one hour off for veg state.. is this just dumb? is the temp flexing too much too often? does it just straight up not work at all? Hit me with anything you know on this one..


Well-Known Member
sounds like too much of a hassle that probably would not pay off in the end.


Well-Known Member
well, not a hassle with a timer.. but regardless its not practical.. If someone wants to show me amazing results I'd be thrilled.


Well-Known Member
This is going to confuse your plant and probably end up hermie.....stick with regular light schedules and fix your heat problem


Well-Known Member
kind of what I was thinking.. but I don't actually know. I mean nothing natural about that schedual.. but neither is 24/0... unless your in alaska or some shit. Still yet, I don't think it would work, but I'm curious....


Well-Known Member
One thing I would kind of like try is start 24/0 and work down 22/2, 20/4, 18/6, 16/8, 14/10, 12/12. Space it out through the entire veg phase. Probably would have no benefit though. Maybe I'll experiment for the hell of it.