Has anyone ever gotten 100% males?


Well-Known Member
Probably the fewer plants someone grows at a time, the more chance there is of having a higher percentage of males turn out. Well, it's starting to look like every regular seed I popped this run, is turning out to be mannish. I started 2 seeds each of 4 different strains. Thank God the 2 Chernobyl (Bob Bitchen's Beans) are feminized! I popped 2 Meig's OG seeds that were freebies from Copa....One fizzled out after breaking ground...and the other grew great...until I just saw the stem-and-ball pre-flowers! UGH! Then I popped 2 Ancient Berries.....So far they are looking like dudes, too! I can't be 100% sure of them quite yet, though. Then I popped 2 Fireballs and they are just sluggish and slow at the moment...no pre-flowers showing on either, but the plants are comparatively small and don't look like they want to get with it.

My plan, at this point, is just to pot up the two Chernobyl females, keep them in veg a longer time and hope that I can get some new seeds popped and caught up as quickly as possible with something that's a fast finisher.
Sadly that's one of the risks of seeds. I'm a big fan of finding good genetics for your grow and running clones when possible. There has been many times over the years that I popped seeds and got a few males, and/or nothing worth keeping otherwise.
It can happen its rare but its the gamble you take with reg seeds you could get just males of course you usually do find the more that a lines been worked the higher the rate of females to males ime but thats not always the case of course theres always gonna be some exceptions
a few years back my cannabis mentor gave me 5 seeds. Strain was Body, Mind and Soul. Said he got the seeds from Australia were supposed to be the bomb.

All five sprouted and grew into beautiful males.
I had a 10 pack a few years ago...every one was male...I was so pissed, I had to laugh...it was a good thing I had a few fem seeds going that time too or I could have been screwed...don't remember what it was...but I feel I tend to get more then my share of females running regs...usually get 5 or 6 out of 10!
I also got a 10 pack of regular seed and wound up with 10 males. It is rare but can happen, luck of the draw.

If males are not going to be used or you don't have the space to sex plants, don't bother with regular seed.
I also got a 10 pack of regular seed and wound up with 10 males. It is rare but can happen, luck of the draw.

If males are not going to be used or you don't have the space to sex plants, don't bother with regular seed.
I agree ...it's more of an oddity to go 10 for 10 but I honestly don't remember ever going worse then 6-4 on a 10 besides that one time...I look back now...maybe it was a sign..lol ..but I mostly only grow regs...a few FEMs and never an auto...I like stuff not of the mainstream...although wedding cake was pretty good!
Okay so I've been waiting and waiting for these dogs to show some more preflower development that would have made me 99% certain these are males.....Guess what? Now it's looking like I was wrong and they might be girls, after all. All I can say is....DUH!

Anyway, all this time I'm thinking they are males, so I've been bending the branches and trying some new HST techniques and watering techniques....basically abusing them. Everything got pretty set back by a soil pH issue I ran into, too. I was on the verge of throwing them out several times just to make more room. But you know how it is...It's hard to throw stuff out when you're only growing a few plants....It's like, "What if I throw this plant out and it would have been the one with the old road kill skunk taste?" kind of thing.

Now the problem becomes space if these are girls, after all. It's a good kind of problem to have, hopefully.

I guess I need better glasses....heh :)