Has anyone gotten RED colored seeds??? Please read.

David Ferguson

Active Member
So I had bought several seeds (all different strains) from a popular seed bank online. There was 1 seed enclosed for the strain "Money Maker" that came as a RED/brown (mostly red) color and seemed very large in size/shape. I found this weird, however I shrugged my shoulders and started the germination process anyways. All other seeds were great looking when I got them and continued doing well in the beginning stages of sprouting roots, etc.....but then again, this RED one had no roots coming out for 3 days at all (however it looked like there was something on its way via a white-ish tip on seed). I planted the seed anyway, and so i will be seeing it's progress and keep everyone updated, BUT...
Wanted to ask if anyone has ever gotten one like this and/or knows what it is (and if it is a dud or not)? If anyone has any info that would be helpful, and also opinions would help too. Thank you so much, and take care for now!
- Dave
i'd plant it, mark it, and keep an eye on it, sounds like it may have been a neighboring plant seed that got in the pile somehow. if it comes up weed, bonus, if it doesn't, you'll know it asap
i'm pretty sure moneymaker is from strainhunters, and i find all their practices questionable. they travel the world with a bag of seeds, go to remote places where they've grown pure landrace strains forEVER, and trade them seeds so the pure races are fucking gone.....yeah, they're great guys fucking up the genetics of every remote area they can get to....why would i expect them to be able to package seeds without fucking that up too?
Wow. I wasn't gamiliar with all of that. I appreciate you letting me know. Who knows what I'll get (if anything). I'll be following up on this post so you all can gind out what happens, I guess.
PS- I encourage all opinions from anyone willing still.
There is a seed company that coats their seeds in some kind of coloring. I forget why or which company it was but they did it on purpose. Some were green, purple, red... Seemed like more of a gimmick than an actual reason.
Well that would make sense...but the other 3 "money maker" seeds looked perfectly normal.....and began germination very well too. Its just the 1 lone red seed out of 4 total. Hmmm...
As Roger A. Shrubber stated, it could be any seed (cannabis OR otherwise). As crazy as that was initially, it seems as though that could be the case. Thank you tons for your help, Farmasensist.
Huh....a second negative comment on Strain Hunters...well I wont be going with them/Greenhouse seeds again. Not to mention, to push pure landraces out of the market is like a slap in the balls. Yep, fuck em.
Huh....a second negative comment on Strain Hunters...well I wont be going with them/Greenhouse seeds again. Not to mention, to push pure landraces out of the market is like a slap in the balls. Yep, fuck em.

They have a series on youtube that shows them traveling the world collecting the seeds. Its cool to see all the plants growing in these exotic locations but the guys are hard to like, they come off as real doushy. They wander onto these pot farms in the middle of nowhere in third world countries and start ripping off buds and pulling out seeds. I'm surprised no one has tried to kill them yet unless the show is staged.
I picked some up that showed up moldy. Dumped from the vial the stayed together in a white clump. Emailed seller and haven't heard back yet.
Interesting replies....fungicide is possible too I suppose, or just dye like stated earlier.
Oatski 16- the seeds you stated, are they grom Strain HuntersģGreenhouse seeds (if so, which strain please)?