has anyone grown lavender to cover up the smell?


So I've planted about 6 lavender seeds in each 16 oz cups and there's three of them so 18 in all. There planted in light warrior.

Im just wondering if anyone else has grown lavender under a 400w mh? Should I give them nutes, when should I separate them and when should I transplant them?

I plan on only keeping 1 out of each cup so ill have 3a plants.

Also about how long do they take to get full size? There about 2 weeks old now and only about half an inch tall.

Any advice would be great and its english lavender if that helps


Active Member
never have grown the stuff..im not sure how well io=t will cover the canabis smell ether but...i doubt they'll need nutes thats a pritty good soil there so...maybe a light feeding once a month or so for the first couple months then get to once a week as the soil will eventually become depleted.. id guess they'll reach maturity in 2-4 months...most plantz do.. i have lilac bushes out side my house and they stink to high heavin..i still use carbon filters thou and you should too but lil tricks like other stinky plantz help set tha mind at ez