Has anyone here grown tobacco? Any tips?

I saw some growing and being cured in a back yard when I was last in Sydney. Have asked for seeds and am interested in putting in a few. Definitely smelt the goods. Heavy fines apply in Aust. I am told. They need their taxes.
I was curious as a low privacy shrub. I have to look into it. I believe illegal here. But anyone with tips I would like to hear. I ain't doing it. Just researching. LOL.
unless one lives in the regions that tobacco companies are growing, it may be not worth the effort as it needs a specific environment/climate to succeed.

Back in the late 70's, a Canadian tobacco bought land in the Kelowna region which really baffled and worried the local farmers as to why they would do this, as you can't grow decent tobacco in the dry conditions of that region.

They tried to dodge the concerns of the farmer but eventually stated they bought the land just in case marijuana ever becomes legal to grow

They made it legal to grow tobacco in Canada about 25 years ago, but I don't know anybody who has tried....just like MJ, there is a drying process that is critical for a proper finish
Thinking about growing some tobacco, anyone have tips on drying or what taste best
The first crop is the hardest because you are going to get some crappy little packet of seeds and you are going to have to sprout and transplant and fuck around endlessly.

Once you grow them to maturity and they flower you will have pounds of seeds which you can then use to broadcast seed and things get a lot easier.
Growing tobacco is trivial when you got 5 pounds of seed and a hose.

It's a big plant, had some that were over 7 ft tall. They suck up nutrients and water.

Dry it as slow as possible without getting mold. Hang in humidity controlled environment or pile cure in low humidity environment and flip through piles several times per day. Pile curing seems to make a more robust darker leaf. You can imbue with things like rum by spraying during the drying process. Growing is easy, drying and curing the hard part.