Has anyone seen one of these?

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
This was a gift for my mother in-law. I wanted to expirement with it, but was curious to find out more about it first if possible. It has 6 55w double flourescents and a over head light. vents on top and stands just over 3 ft tall. There are reflective panels on the inside and tinted panels on the outside. Has anyone used this before and with what kind of results? Thank you in advance.


Active Member
ive seen one but the person who was usin it was a hardcore noob and everytime she tried to grow, she ended up gettin a male b/c she would only start one seed at a time


Well-Known Member
I believe it is called a phototron. They used to advertise in high times all the time. Never used one but I always thought that they did not exactly look ideal for growing out a cannabis plant to maturity.


Well-Known Member
Isnt that what they call a proton..youse to see them advertised in penthouse years ago...there could be some you tube videos on then..other than that i know nothing...


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing those in high times back in the day too. It looks like you could grow weed just fine in it. Throw some seeds in there and lets see whats up!

The Ruined

Active Member
That looks so sexy for an easy veg room. Anyway to attach a blower with good suction to the top near the vent to help suck all that hot air out?


Well-Known Member
wow, a blast from the past. these things were the best back in the day!!!! of coarse back then cloning wasn't possible and stems could get ya high!!! retrofit that thing with some T5's and see what it can do.....


Active Member
I bought a Phototron back when they first came out in high school (yes I'm old). The ballast it came with was no good and the company would not send out another ballast. After paying for one, the unit performed flawlessly. The Phototron is too small to take a Marijuana plant to maturity. It's an ideal veg machine for a few weeks but that's about it...


Well-Known Member
Those are old school, they where the first growing chambers put out years ago.
I think it would be good for a mother or something

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
IMG_0519.jpgIMG_0518.jpgIMG_0517.jpgIMG_0521.jpgThanks for the help everyone. im a complete noob and I am about a week away from starting my first grow. Ive been building a cabinet and I have a few more things to do before I begin.. Here are some pics of my Cab. Id really apreciate any advice..


Well-Known Member
A friend just gave me a phototron. Looks like the same model. There is supposed to be a method to growing in the thing. Lots of pruning to create multiple buds sites. The light comes from the sides, so it's not a traditional grow by any means. If you have the directions that came with it, I'd love a copy.