Has anyone used vegging lights for flowering?


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone went down this road before. I went through a entire grow using three 85 watt floros. They are 6500K (daylight/bright white) bulbs. The outcome was excellent as far as quality. The yeild was about just under a half oz. off one plant. three total. I know the yeild won't increase due to lack of lumens, but what would happen if I actually use warm colored floros for flowering. Would this actually make the quality even more potent? I just know that after growing your own, you cant go back to smoking bags that you buy. Also, my plants came from seeds out the bags I bought. They smoked 10 times better than the bag I bought. People actually thought that it was exotic.


Well-Known Member
I know the yeild won't increase due to lack of lumens, but what would happen if I actually use warm colored floros for flowering. Would this actually make the quality even more potent?
No it won't. Using red 2,700k fluoro's for flowering will simply increase the yield not the potency.


Active Member
Thanxx a million. I think I feel comfortable enough to invest in the correct equipment. 1000 watts, here I come.


Well-Known Member
Rell, I am using all my lights throughout my entire process. I'm also doing a CFL grow and I have a combination of "warm yellow" and "daytime white". I am using them all. I'd love to have an 400W HPS but just don't have the room for that right now.

rob butts

Well-Known Member
1000 watts? honestly bro for flowering you might as well go for an HPS light set up, they produce SUCH good results for flowering, the buds are much much more potent and they are very dense and tight, i guarantee with the lights you have they arent tight and dense they are loose and fluffy, which isnt a bad thing either but it was allso increase the yield quite considerably. i couldnt believe the difference between using my CFL's and my HPS its crazy. im not talking down on CFL's or flouros either dont get me wrong, its just if you can id go HPS. good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
i used a metal halide to flower indoors one plant , 4' canopy method and got 3 quarters of an ounce . not the best results, quality was good


Active Member
Believe me from the results i've seen, which hasn't been bad, I know 1000 watts would be the move. I'm just a little paranoid about ordering over the net. I'm trying to find a place were I can pick one up and pay cash.

rob butts

Well-Known Member
youre lookign for a palce to pick up a HPS light? thy have them at home depot, dotn know where youre from but thsoe are everywhere