Has getting high ever caused you to make a stupid mistake and get hurt?


Active Member
was just wondering if they ever smoked so much they made a retarded mistake and hurt themselves while totally messed up. When i was 18 i was smoking some really killer swag puffing away joint after joint in my moms garage. Finally after finishing up and probably making my way to the refrigerator. I stepped out of the garage totally baked and went to shut the garage door i grabbed onto the open part of the door were if folds up and pulled down with both my fingers and awwwwww shit it wasnt the handle the door was pulled down on both my fingers my high instantly went away and instant pain. Then i had to lift the door up with my foot and pull out my bloody fingers wow it was over 15 years ago but the thought of it still makes me wince in pain. Ended up losing a bunch of finger nails and was lucky not to of lost my fingers. So was curious if anyone here has made a mistake or two wanna hear it.


Well-Known Member
I stubbed the shit out of my right big toe while I was baked. I threw that fucking table in the trash.... I lost that toe nail too haha


Well-Known Member
Thats funny as hell I've done that very same thing, but I'm an old Millwright and used to breaking fingers and finishing my shift.
When the wife and I bought this house my son was handy and helped us move, bless his heart.
well any way we were going up a couple steps and in the door with a secretary desk when the front table top
opened an got both our fingers no where to sit it down till we got up the stairs and could sit it down, man
my fingers still have groves pressed in them.
We had to stop and medicate heavily for the pain.:-P:leaf::leaf::-P


Well-Known Member
was just wondering if they ever smoked so much they made a retarded mistake and hurt themselves while totally messed up. When i was 18 i was smoking some really killer swag puffing away joint after joint in my moms garage. Finally after finishing up and probably making my way to the refrigerator. I stepped out of the garage totally baked and went to shut the garage door i grabbed onto the open part of the door were if folds up and pulled down with both my fingers and awwwwww shit it wasnt the handle the door was pulled down on both my fingers my high instantly went away and instant pain. Then i had to lift the door up with my foot and pull out my bloody fingers wow it was over 15 years ago but the thought of it still makes me wince in pain. Ended up losing a bunch of finger nails and was lucky not to of lost my fingers. So was curious if anyone here has made a mistake or two wanna hear it.
One time I was crawling around on my living room floor while baked, I was searching for an escaped razor blade that got out of the toolbox. It was night and the atmosphere was dim enough that while crawling, I put my hand down right above the blade without knowing it was there, and the fucker got lodged into my index finger and my high ran away like a convict running from the police. I didn't get stiches, Just ducttaped it for a week


Active Member
One time I was crawling around on my living room floor while baked, I was searching for an escaped razor blade that got out of the toolbox. It was night and the atmosphere was dim enough that while crawling, I put my hand down right above the blade without knowing it was there, and the fucker got lodged into my index finger and my high ran away like a convict running from the police. I didn't get stiches, Just ducttaped it for a week
haha yeah your highs like fuck this im outtie5000g!


Active Member
one time when baked i was cooking up some munchies and grabbed a plastic spoon the was on the stove the damn thing melted into my hand and aww fuck it was the most unbelievable pain ever it throbbed and it seemed like the mj made it worse for some reason.


Active Member
has anyone ever heard of the trick were you can take an egg and palm it just right and squeeze it as hard as you want? well i told my friend about it were in the kitchen kung fu gripping the egg and simultaneously all are eggs broke in our hands and got all over us and all over the kitchen again super baked but funny as hell looking back.


Well-Known Member
I was camping with friends and we were BSing and drinking hot coco, the first pan of water was enough for everyone but me, put more water on to boil.
The next thing I know I tip my cup of coco powder back for a big swig and got a lung full of coco powder. Fucking buddies were both laughing so hard
they were no help, I couldn't breath and I'm crawling down to the lake to get some water, I damn near died!!!


Active Member
I was camping with friends and we were BSing and drinking hot coco, the first pan of water was enough for everyone but me, put more water on to boil.
The next thing I know I tip my cup of coco powder back for a big swig and got a lung full of coco powder. Fucking buddies were both laughing so hard
they were no help, I couldn't breath and I'm crawling down to the lake to get some water, I damn near died!!!
Miss Swiss for that ass! glad you lived what would the obituary say or the papers.
Stuffed metal shavings and gun powder in a Co2 cartridge, duct taped it to seal the wick in their air tight - lit it - and throw it like 50ft.

My friend and I ducked behind the tree. Fortunately, we had done that because shrapnel was sliced into the tree by four inches after digging one out! Freaks me out even today thinking about it!


Well-Known Member
tending to a campfire while high is never a good idea, especially on the beach. always forgetting that the sand around the fire pit is hot as hell and will burn the skin off your feet.


Well-Known Member
oh man the things i have done while high.... among them forgetting im under something and Smashing my head against something, thats happened countless times.

the worst one yet, i smashed my head on the corner of our deck while we were constructing it. the corner of the board ripped my scalp and gave me a concussion..... as you said, the high was Instantly gone and my head hurt like a mother....


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who loves to get baked and then gets his chainsaw out and starts cutting down trees right next to me. Scares the shit out of me every time man. I've never hurt myself while baked though. But that subject just reminds me of him.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
It's part of the adventure of getting baked, sometimes you do dumb shit and sometimes you don't. If you do though...always makes for a good story when smoking with friends :) I've got way to many to count and I'm 23....not sure if that's good...:lol: