Hash doesn't get me high?


Active Member
Hey guys,

So i've been smoking weed for about 4 years now. I only recently purchased hash from my dealer. The hash I bought was a little hard not as gummy as other hashes seem. He said it was a blonde blueberry hash if that means anything to you guys. Anyways, I bought 30$ worth and put about a 20$ worth piece into my roor bowl ( not broken up or anything .. piece was as big as half a thumbnail) . It lit up after numerous attempts at lighting it. However, my two problems were :

1) It wouldn't stay lit .. i'd have to stick my lighter into the bowl each time to light it up again and the smoke wasn't nearly as thick ( very sparse ) as my normal bowl hits of herb are.

2) The high was shitty. Not sure if it was because it wasnt lit right .. but i'd keep lighting it until no more smoke would drag. It was a very light - mellow high nothing compared to the highs I get from smoking white widow/ NL/ Jack for example

Anyways , what do you guys think is the problem? ( I have put some hash on weed before in a bowl which helped but I want to smoke pure hash) + don't suggest hot knifing/bottle/thumbtack w/e method..

P.S. The hash must have been good because my girlfriend smoked some with me and said she was super high
Thanks guys :joint:

The Stig

Well-Known Member
sounds to me like maybe the quality of that hash isn't that good

I remmeber that low quality hash is usually hard (not gummy) and is really hard to burn, unlike good hash that almost boils with the fire
when I do bubblehash the one from the other bags (not the last one that where the good stuff is), it's usually like that really hard and never burns right and never get's me high.. lol


Well-Known Member
I've gotten hash before that was hard, but very "blonde" in appearance. It didn't get me high, and it tasted like sawdust. I later found out that a lot of imported hash can contain large amounts (sometimes mostly) of male pollen!!!
In retrospect, I do believe this is what I got because it had yellow powder in the bag that looked like--you guessed it--pollen! The guy I got it from was all like: "yeah, this shit is kiefing out like a motherfucker."
I didn't know much about hash back then, lol. Luckily, I now have a set of bubble bags.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
it probably wasnt burning right because it was a chunk

You gotta break it up more into tiny balls and mix it with some bud to help it burn.

Real hash should FUCK your shit up.


Well-Known Member
Next time just heat a corner a bit and than crumble some in the bowl than light and hang on.

On the other hand I know people who say hash just don't do it for them.

I know a girl that can eat 3 or 4 hash brownies and gets nothing.

1 messes up the average chronic.
