Hash making. Seeking expert advice.


Looking at 20 pounds of plant material and a complete hash making setup. Have a few questions.

Leaves, stems, everything converted to hash. What is the conversion of weight of material to hash? Also, I know there's a difference in quality with straight bud and plant material. Is it huge?

Also after the hash is ran through the bags, does it have to be "cooked" to be fully processed and ready for consumption?

Any information is helpful.
Looking at 20 pounds of plant material and a complete hash making setup. Have a few questions.

Leaves, stems, everything converted to hash. What is the conversion of weight of material to hash? Also, I know there's a difference in quality with straight bud and plant material. Is it huge?

Also after the hash is ran through the bags, does it have to be "cooked" to be fully processed and ready for consumption?

Any information is helpful.
become your own expert and google iso hash or bubble hash to get complete tutorials, one answer here leads to your next question you havent looked for anything. This one has several tutorials that are very complete with pics, with this much your are wanting to do bubble hash and there is no cooking dude just google it and you will be lead back to this site for most results anyway
you cant really make hash with stems and fans leaves ....they contain next to nill THC the only thing u can really use is trim leaves off your cola's the ones that actually contain resin glands"Crystals", i would say your best bet with all the shit is to compost it or make some cannabutter
What is your complete hash making setup? Bubble bags? Bubble Now machine? If so, seperate the big fan leaves or "1st clip", material from the small leaves and manicuring material. But just listen to super: Google Bubble Bags and read on... (For 10 Hours) :)
What is your complete hash making setup? Bubble bags? Bubble Now machine? If so, seperate the big fan leaves or "1st clip", material from the small leaves and manicuring material. But just listen to super: Google Bubble Bags and read on... (For 10 Hours) :)
I started with iso hash but have been reading more and more about the bubble and wanting to try my hands at this as well, I am doing very well making the iso hash but looks easier to get larger amounts from one run with the bubble as I can use 5 gallon buckets
i would not put stems branches in they will destroy your bags especially if you use electric drill or mixer on them

after ran through bags just dry good no water left press together if you like and N joy my friend

doesnot need to to be cooked boiled or nothing could just smoke

really very easy

but you should educate yourself first go to where you got bags should have a demo tape
