Hash yields


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have 4 plants with around a 1/2 oz of bud estimated on each of th*ts+em, i am harvesting them 2 weeks early and making hash because i cannot keep them past tomorrow, how much hash could i expect yield from the 4 plants total, im using bud to make it too


Well-Known Member
Are you talking hash from the trimmings or hash from all the buds and trimmings? If its just trimimngs i would say about 1/2 gram /plant. so 2 grams total, if from bud and trim, then I would say 10 grams total. Just guesstimates based on my own experience. not hard cold facts.


Well-Known Member
I think it all depends on the amount of trichs on it, if there is a lot of them you get more. Also what method are you going to use? just me wondering