
Hello farmers... This is my first grow. With the help of every one in here, plants are doing fine. Just a question about hash. Is it gender related? Does the sex, determine the quality of hash. Thanks...


Well-Known Member
yes it does as hash it thc and thc is in the female plant. people save males to extract the very low amount of thc out of it when they are making a big batch. usually at harvest people save all their clippings and left overs and use that to make a good amount of hash if done properly


Active Member
id recommend not making hash with males, you'll most likley work hard for hours to smoke 1 bowl....
up to you though
Well butter is kool. And i figured out last night, males are useless. Well kinda.. Ask my second ex-wife. Yes, this post hinges on. I bought a new bong. Shit..................


Active Member
if you see a male just get rid of it incase you mess your hole crop up better to have a lot of female buds than have male plant hash.all male are good for is to breed with they pollinate females and turn your crop to seeds
if you see a male just get rid of it incase you mess your hole crop up better to have a lot of female buds than have male plant hash.all male are good for is to breed with they pollinate females and turn your crop to seeds
i agree with lordfister,... i'm just under 3 weeks on a cycle and just had to kill off 8 purple kushes due to some dumb ass that thought it was a good idea to cut & sell clones from a male. lol probably doesn't even know he's doing it.

anyway, be smart and don't waste your time on clones.