Hashberry from Mandala


Well-Known Member
I felt like putting some photos of mandala's hasberry that i grew out a few years back.
I feel that if your even thinking of getting this, just go ahead and get it
no complaints from me, and i believe i paid under 30 dollars for 10 beans.

My opinion on it:
- Could be a bit more potent.
-Great smoke for the whole day!
-Just as the name implies, will do good for hash production.
-Easy to grow.
-Yield is decent.
- Not too bad on odor, and smells fruity after a cure.
I grew it trying out organics and in soil. I also grew it a few different ways and noticed it yielded better with a LST and topping.
Also I bet if i had space , if i grew it out longer it would make a good bushy plant.

The photos are from the last weeks and the harvest.HB 5 Full Nov 12.jpgHb 1 Nov 12th Top.jpghandful of dried hb buds.jpgHb cut dec 17th.jpgHB 5 Budshot  Nov 12th.jpgHB 5 Harvest dec 14th.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well, you can get the hashberry directly from his site (mandala seeds dot com) in January 2011, for 20 euro.

So in january if you need a strain i recommend this one. I will defiantly be ordering it again when I wanna breed it into my very own personal strain.


Well-Known Member
bump -
Would like more people to see this, maybe it can be your next grow?
Only 6 more weeks or so til he stocks up and I plan on getting some.


Well-Known Member
mandala is great their highs are functional, but cure it for the full effect. speed queen is also an awesome strain.
and the prices are reasonable i order through attitude and it gets to me in 7 days:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i ordered hashberry and mandala #1 for my summer grow next year. I am planning on growing out a few of each, finding a female plant, and then cloning off of the females so i have a few of each to put out in the late spring or early summer... i also have a blue hash seed and california hashplant seed by dinafem and a few fem pineapple chunk seeds that i will be using also... i hope to have enough harvest next fall to keep my wife in supply all year long.