Well-Known Member
These are the things I Hate and why I Hate them. You can add to this as you please.
Religion: Nowadays is not so powerful, but still it holds a grip on almost everyone on earth. Before the 20th century, Religion; mostly Catholicism/Christianity and Islam, was the biggest brainwashing tool and political power. In the present it is still a tool used to keep the masses dumbed down and make them slaves to the Church/Mosque/Synagogue.
Television: After religion lost its power throughout most of the world the Governments needed something to maintain the level of intelligence of the masses. Thus, Television was invented. Everyone turns on their TV thinking they are just being entertained, little do most know is that they are being brainwashed. Commercials try to convince you that you need a product for whatever reason, whether it be a Topsy Turvy for you to grow your own tomatoes or Beer that makes you look manly. It is all to control how you think.
Government: The single biggest control seeking force on earth. These days most governments are democracy, communist, or dictatorships. The last 2 we all know are forms of gov't that try to maintain complete control. But what most don't know is that even democratic Govt's such as the U.S gov't also control you, because in the end Democracy evolves into communism over time. Don't believe me? There are 10 goals that communism tries to accomplish, and if you look at America, we fit most of them. A few examples are :Graduated Tax, Control of the land (The US gov't owns 35% of the land for "military"), and population control (when's the last time a disease was actually cured? Last I checked it was malaria from when we were building the Panama Canal)
Prison/Jail: Does it do what it is meant to do? Prison is supposed to rehabilitate "criminals". First off, half of the prison population in america is in for some kind of Drug Offence. Do criminals receive treatment for their drug addictions when they enter jail? No, if you are addicted to meth and go to jail, you detox and go into withdrawls; then what do you do when you are released? Get more meth, which some people will rob someone to get, which lands them back in jail. Now for violent offenders, how many receive psychological treatment to teach them that what they did was wrong? I will use Alabama an example. In Alabama they offer no "rehabilitation treatment" and educational options take years before you actually receive them (and for some they will be released/paroled before that happens). And when your sentence is up you are taken back to the county you committed the crime in and they give you $10. So what are the people to do other than what they know i.e crime
Racism: What does this accomplish? Skinheads/Neo-Nazis hate all races other than whites and even hate anyone who is under the Judaism religion. What does this do for them? Does hating Jews/Blacks/etc improve our education? Does it bring more money into their income? NO!!!!! Hating someone based on a color of skin or religious preference does nothing but cost time/money/effort that could be used to better their lives. There is not going to be a RaHoWa, no sudden extermination of most of the population by "God", no uprising of any race. We are all here on earth, we all came from the same source, we are all Flesh and Bone. We are all the same, so WTF does hating a person for looking different do to make your life better?
Religion: Nowadays is not so powerful, but still it holds a grip on almost everyone on earth. Before the 20th century, Religion; mostly Catholicism/Christianity and Islam, was the biggest brainwashing tool and political power. In the present it is still a tool used to keep the masses dumbed down and make them slaves to the Church/Mosque/Synagogue.
Television: After religion lost its power throughout most of the world the Governments needed something to maintain the level of intelligence of the masses. Thus, Television was invented. Everyone turns on their TV thinking they are just being entertained, little do most know is that they are being brainwashed. Commercials try to convince you that you need a product for whatever reason, whether it be a Topsy Turvy for you to grow your own tomatoes or Beer that makes you look manly. It is all to control how you think.
Government: The single biggest control seeking force on earth. These days most governments are democracy, communist, or dictatorships. The last 2 we all know are forms of gov't that try to maintain complete control. But what most don't know is that even democratic Govt's such as the U.S gov't also control you, because in the end Democracy evolves into communism over time. Don't believe me? There are 10 goals that communism tries to accomplish, and if you look at America, we fit most of them. A few examples are :Graduated Tax, Control of the land (The US gov't owns 35% of the land for "military"), and population control (when's the last time a disease was actually cured? Last I checked it was malaria from when we were building the Panama Canal)
Prison/Jail: Does it do what it is meant to do? Prison is supposed to rehabilitate "criminals". First off, half of the prison population in america is in for some kind of Drug Offence. Do criminals receive treatment for their drug addictions when they enter jail? No, if you are addicted to meth and go to jail, you detox and go into withdrawls; then what do you do when you are released? Get more meth, which some people will rob someone to get, which lands them back in jail. Now for violent offenders, how many receive psychological treatment to teach them that what they did was wrong? I will use Alabama an example. In Alabama they offer no "rehabilitation treatment" and educational options take years before you actually receive them (and for some they will be released/paroled before that happens). And when your sentence is up you are taken back to the county you committed the crime in and they give you $10. So what are the people to do other than what they know i.e crime
Racism: What does this accomplish? Skinheads/Neo-Nazis hate all races other than whites and even hate anyone who is under the Judaism religion. What does this do for them? Does hating Jews/Blacks/etc improve our education? Does it bring more money into their income? NO!!!!! Hating someone based on a color of skin or religious preference does nothing but cost time/money/effort that could be used to better their lives. There is not going to be a RaHoWa, no sudden extermination of most of the population by "God", no uprising of any race. We are all here on earth, we all came from the same source, we are all Flesh and Bone. We are all the same, so WTF does hating a person for looking different do to make your life better?