have i wasted 2 months?? pics ..


Active Member
Im growing 2 easyryders, AK47 x lowryder 2. In reg multi purpose soil n perlite under 400w hps (started under 250w hps)
they sprouted on Dec 3rd and in no way in hell are they gonna be done by the reccomended time period.
All fan leaves are long gone and a whole lot of other leaves too.
I think they have nute lock from possibly going too heavy on the nutes.
They were flushed a couple days ago, but at the rate they are flowering im considering scrapping them off and starting from scratch.
Can i please get some advice, thanks.



Well-Known Member
They look fine. Plants often lose leaves toward end of flowering. Just hang in there a few more weeks.


Well-Known Member
Flush her with some rainwater, make sure its room temperature. But if shes in the last few weeks of flower, mae's right.


Well-Known Member
They don't look bad to me. I would just let them keep flowering till they're done.

Plants don't grow by a date set on the calender and every grow is different.


Active Member
Flush with twice the pot size with PH Adjusted water, take the PH of the runoff water and try and get it at 6.2, You got Magnesium or Potassium toxicity.. Good luck friend!


Active Member
thanks for the replys chaps.
like i said they were flushed a couple of days ago, but not sure on the ph as i'v never bothered with it.
these are flowering at the slowest rate any of my grows have ever been, all be it that its only my 2nd auto grow but i didnt have 1 issue with my last autos,
and with my last autos when they were at the stage these current ones are they had plenty of green fans and normal foliage.
Im just thinking with the amount of leaves left on the big one especially, how are they going to finish in the same way they would with everythin still in tact?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps they are a bit slow because of lower temps? I've nutelocked mine a time or two which stunts them but they will finish...just smaller yeild. Just let'em go till tric are to your pleasing.


Active Member
Sorry i didnt read that.. Improper PH is #1 Cause of Nute Lockout and it is your problem from what appears it just started happening. Have you supplemented anything new to your watering regimen? new nutrients or a different water source or anything? Slow growth is a common sign of nute lockout aswell.. Good luck friend!


Active Member
yo dude. just like every1 else they look fine, just be patient with them. I would defo recommend starting to monitor ur ph as it is vital to the plants uptake of nutrients. too high or low either side of 6.2 ph in soil will lock-out essential nutrients to the plant. This will have the adverse affect of a salt build-up in your medium. My local supplier and most others will have GHE liquid Ph test kit..only £5-6. a well good investment


Active Member
From when these plants were 2 weeks old i have been giving them bio bizz grow starting at around 1/4 ml up to 2 ml. Since they showed sex they have been on the bio bloom at the same rate, nothing else so far just this added to plain tap water. but iv been feeding every water, maybe i should be feeding every other water and with less nutes as i know the autps are not too keen on the nutes.
THey have had nothing sinse the flush but i will just be giving them plain water for now see if it makes any difference. Am also deffo gonna get me a ph test kit this week. Badly need one!


Active Member
Yeah don't stress man they are looking fine, just need a few minor adjustments is all. Get your PH in check and everything else will fall into place.

Also I just wanted to mention that if you have switched to a strictly bloom fert. (of course depending on the nutes your using) you might want to stop doing just that, instead give them their regular veg nutes and then use the bloom as a booster and not their main fert. I made this mistake and have finally almost completely recovered from it now. Wheh! It caused my baby to look very similar except wayyyyy worse lol. Also my soil PH was hitting close to 8.0 EEK! Got that back down to 7.0 by watering with 5.5 water after a flush. =)