Have to quit smoking Cannabis


Well-Known Member
I’ve been a daily smoker for a long time. In the past few years I’ve had to move away from first the bong, now I’m coughing my lungs up on dry pipes and joints. It’s become clear to me I need to move away from smoking/vaping cannabis. I’m looking for advice from anyone here who makes their own concentrates (to take orally) or other solutions. I don’t wanna quit getting high, just wanna do it in a more manageable way. Also I do want to continue to be an all day user if that’s relevant. Thanks for any help

Tough one Coldnasty, hopefully you get through this.


The quickest simplest way to extract the cannabinoids is a coconut oil extraction using the Magical Butter Machine.

You have to decarb the bud in the Ardent Nova first, then extract to coco oil, then take the oil as is or make edibles from it.

Here's a thread I started to get this information for my brother:

Mix about a third of a gram of extract with warm vegetable oil, pretty much any kind will do, and down it straight. It'll burn a little going down so follow up with a little bread or something to scrape it off your throat as it goes down. It will take almost exactly 2 hours to hit.

But smoking is a bad idea, as you found out. I've coughed up blood from smoking pure extracts daily. When smoking herbal weed daily for a few months I would always start feeling ill because of bacteria growing in my lungs and tonsils. Then I have to quit and before long I feel a whole lot better but I do get a little more aggressive and short of patience because I'm "off the meds" so to speak. I have lots of energy though and sleep normally again, with actual dreams. I don't dream at all on weed, just pass out and regain consiousness several hours later remembering nothing in between.

I'm off cannabis right now, actually, so I started posting here again for something to do. When you're not high all the time you start looking for things to do. Honestly your best move is to just quit. Also every time I quit and then for whatever reason take one hit I immediately am back on it daily, every single time. I cannot take one hit and then go back to staying quit. So just don't even take one hit.