Have to trim for not getting caught


This girl is growing over the wall. This is my second plant scheduled to flower late October. I have my first plant to flower a month before and I have to get that indoors. That means this girl have to stay outside in the balcony.

Today I took her outside and there was one LED burn at the top and two leaves at the bottom turned yellow.

I'm going to get in trouble if she grows over that wall behind overnight. What could I do than cutting the tops of this plant.. what do you think..



Well-Known Member
Super-crop her, and then tie those branches you super-cropped to the branches you didn't super-crop as mysunnyboy, said!


New Member

fellow lankan here, interested in growing. unfortunately my usual bud dealer was busted and cleaned up his act after. my other dealer has been unable to get seeds for his grow due to covid import restrictions. if you are aware of a source for good seeds please do let me know :)
i currently have 3 kush seeds (although i am unsure of their viability) and hope on germinating and growing them soon, if you have any tips specific to our local climate that would be appreciated too.



Active Member

fellow lankan here, interested in growing. unfortunately my usual bud dealer was busted and cleaned up his act after. my other dealer has been unable to get seeds for his grow due to covid import restrictions. if you are aware of a source for good seeds please do let me know :)
i currently have 3 kush seeds (although i am unsure of their viability) and hope on germinating and growing them soon, if you have any tips specific to our local climate that would be appreciated too.

I let a purple haze pollenate a landtrace Afghani I dont know it grows like a Indica fat leaves the high starts out like an Indica high then the sativa kicks in lasts awhile. I got many seeds let me know


New Member
wow that sounds lovely! happy to hear of your success :D after looking at your other posts it seems the plants are doing quite well for themselves (bud rot aside haha) would be a dream to buy seeds off you but unfortunately i doubt we are in similar locations :/