Have you ever been so High you became Smart?

Hell yeah, Bro. Just the other night we were blitzed and having a hard time deciding what movie we wanted to watch.
I did a few more rips off the bong and Bam! Problem solved dude!!
It was fuckin' brilliant!

Don't remember if we watched a movie but that was bomb pizza yo!
I perform classic pro wrestling finishing maneuvers on Isaac Newton MFers who get smart-high around me. Go ahead and say "whoa" one more time if you want to find yourself belly down tapping to a scorpion deathlock, brother.
Not directly but been so high that I taught myself to use Fusion 360 over a weekend. Wanted to create a custom plant propagator really bad. Now I can make simple things to 3D print on a whim. So I guess it made me at least a bit smarter. lmao