Have you grown large Plants? how much could this yield?


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 x 4 tent with 4 x 18gal rubbermaid bins filled with soil
Each bin has 2 og kush veged to 3.5 ft {were in 3 gal bags}
I am using roots exeleratur and some roots organic grow.
I will run co2 aswell
The light is 1ooo w hung with no reflector from center
and bins are in diamond shaPe around light.
How much might this setuP yield?
8 total
I could also avoid the bins and leave them in 2gal bags
And then could fit more large Plants.

I could use this sPace for 25 smaller Plants/clones but figured id run a few of my mothers but i havent ever ran a large Plant any info would be great,cheers Hbr


Active Member
If you rotate your plants a couple of times a day then that one light should work out great. But be religious about rotating your plants I can not express that enough when you are not using a hood and just hanging your lights. I just currently built a room with lights hanging and no hoods and the lights just goes everywhere bouncing off the walls hitting every angle of the plant. Good size bins will help your plants grow a good root system so that will def help. Throw them in bud now!

Good ventilation your CO2 pumping in you could yield a quarter pound or more on each plant, good luck.


Well-Known Member
shouldnt i veg them a bit in the larger bins or will the roots still continue to grow out while in flower? Should i use the bins or leave em in the 2 and 3 gal bags?Thanks n 9raise


Well-Known Member
leave them in the bins, and i wish i could see some pics of this grow. Your plants have the potential to be anywhere from 7 -9 feet tall.....do you have that much room??? how tall is your tent???? if its like 6 feet tall you better top those plants now before you flower them.


Well-Known Member
:joint:Hi stepen,they are in grow bags as of right now but i can put them in bins in the morning.The tallest one is 3ft 8 inch i think,and my tent is 7ft.
Since im hanging the bulb vertically they have 3 ft of headroom.
This is more of an exparament and ive heard great things reguarding these bins but most use the bins w clones vegged 2 weeks then flipped to 12/12
I wonder how much diffrence the longer veg will make.:weed:


Active Member
The longer you veg the bigger your plants are gonna be. You dont want to get them any more than about 4 foot in that tent of yours. I have had plants that almost double in size when you switch lights to 12/12. The vertical light hanging will definately give you much more needed growing space.....but, you are only using 1 1000watt light, so that means your going to be doing alot of rotating your plants at least 6 times a day. For your one light setup you should keep the plants in the 18 gallon totes and turn your lights to 12/12 now. You dont want them too much bigger with the one light.