OK so I'm using ffhf and LW haven't added any lime I'm using mix of the 2 with perlite a 50% LW 30% HF 20% perlite for seedlings and 50% HF 30% LW 20% perlite no lime I have two seedlings one is 2 weeks 4 days the older one is 3 weeks 5 day under a 400 watt mh in a cool tube reflector my temps at 68 to79 always under 79 my humidity anywhere from 28 to 30 okay now the older plant started out with a small little orange dot it developed into small rust looking patches the stem coming off the leafs are purple and dryed out darker green looking patches on the leaves the leaves are curling down and up. the younger plant looks good other then the humidity being way to low I think this might be the reason behind the curling up and the dry darker green spots I'm not sure I believe the other nuts in the mix is causing a mg lock out on my older gal really could use some help and guys I understand my humidity is way to low trying to fix it. I'll post pics if asked any help will be appreciated.