Having plant problems - pics


Active Member
Howdy all,

Been having some problems with my ladies and looking for some help and opinions.

Growing 2 white rhino 1 silver haze veg'd em for 5 weeks and there 5 weeks flowering.

The larger fan leaves are turning yellow, which i hear is common halfway thru flowering due to nitrogen, but now some of the leaves (even some of the green ones) have brown necrotic spots on them. the fan leaves are also pointing upwards around the edges.

I went on vacation last weekend and they were looking a little rough so I flushed them before I left. When I got back they looked a bit worse.

I'm growing with 1 400w hps, 3 gallon pots with OF/LW mix, fox farms nutes (been following their schedule), some cal-mag (been using 1/2 tsp per gallon), and General Organics Bio Bud (1/2 tsp per gallon).

I've been checking ph of the water and using lime juice for ph up and baking soda for ph down.

My water's hardness is approximately 140 milligrams per liter or 8 grains per gallon.

My only thought is magnesium deficiency and gonna try some foliar spray with epsom salts.

Please any suggestions would be helpful


Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I didn't think that lime juice would hold the PH to well. You should try using phosphoric acid for PH down. Are you feeding full strength for all chems? You should mix your additives first before adding base nutrients to the correct EC. Its hard to tell without pics of the plants themselves. It could be showing signs of deficiency through nutrient lock from over fertilization.


Well-Known Member
Are those middle/lower fan leaves? If so, it could be perfectly normal, as long as the rest of the plant looks okay. Alot of time that fan leaves that don't get direct lighting will die off, so that could be the problem. It's hard to tell without pics of the whole plant. :)