Having problems


New Member
Hello all!

I am having problems during my 4th week of flower. Hope someone can help.


LED Grow Tent Complete Kit LED 600W LED Grow Light Kit +48"X24"X72" Indoor Grow Tent + 6" Fan&Filter&Ducting Combo Tent System (LED 600W, 48"X24"X72"+6")
Soil: FoxFarm Ocean Forest
Pot: 10 gallon fabric
Fertilizer: FoxFarm Liquid Trio
Fans: Two 6” fans blowing from top two corners of tent blowing down. One 8” oscillating fan blowing from bottom corner.
Strain: Jaiger - seed from weed I got from reliable source. However could be crossed
Temperatures: The temperature ranges from 70 to 80%F with humidity around 40 to 50.


I am currently in week 4 of flower. The least few days I have noticed leaves turning yellow and some getting crispy. The tips of fan leaves also look stressed.

I searched these forums and from what I’m thinking is I’m under feeding. However I feed her every other watering with half of the recommended dose from FoxFarm since I am told it is strong.

The problem area looks like it is concentrated to the area directly under the light. The light is 18” above the top of the canopy.

I give her a gallon of with ph balanced water of 6.5. Then I feed her after 48 hours with 1 1/2 tsp of BigBloom, 1 tsp of GrowBig and 1 tsp of TigerBloom with a ph balanced 6.5 gallon of water. Wait 48 hours then I repeat. I have just started to add 5ml of cal mag to the feeding regiment.

From what I have read about this strain is it could take 10 weeks to flower. Since it is only on week 4 I think something is wrong since I am seeing yellowing leaves. Here are some pics.

Thank you in advance!


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I would think they are suffering from Nitrogen toxicity. Although you could also have some heat problems. Are your peak temps high?

I would flush the soil with fresh water for a week or so.

Also, those plants look farther along then 4 weeks if your running a 10 week strain. They are swole and I’ll bet you have a killer harvest
3 tsp of stuff in one gallon of water?

I usually don't look at LED threads but I figured I would look at your pics without reading anythng and saw that they were coooked then I read your feed recipe and it doesn't sound normal to me.
I'd say stop feeding, and move the light, or something. Those look terrible, like they're cooked from to much light or to much nutrients.
What strain? FFOF is pretty loaded. How long have they been in these containers? Are you sure they need water every 48 hours? Is the top of the soil dry down an inch or so? Is the pot light? According to your post you’re at like 420ppm with the FF trio and CaMg. Kind of light on K though. you are using teaspoons not tablespoons right?
What strain? FFOF is pretty loaded. How long have they been in these containers? Are you sure they need water every 48 hours? Is the top of the soil dry down an inch or so? Is the pot light? According to your post you’re at like 420ppm with the FF trio and CaMg. Kind of light on K though. you are using teaspoons not tablespoons right?

Strain is jaiger. Below is a picture of the feeding schedule that I have been using with FF nutrients. I always do half the recommended does. I also do the knuckle test before I water. It seems dry enough when I water. Yes I’m using teaspoons.

I think when I am giving her water I am not giving enough. Since I am growing indoors I try not to have much if any run off. Starting to think this is not natural. Most likely let’s build up happen. When watering should I do two gallons of water instead of one to get some run off?

Thank you all for the help. This started as a learning plant but since it has done good till now I don’t want to lose her.


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You always need to have run off when fertilizing. Especially with FFOF. You can easily get salt build up. I’m normally not an advocate of checking the runoff EC in this case it might be worth taking a look. I’m liking the purple color hoping it’s genetic. And they do look further along than 4 weeks.
The purple is normal for jaiger. I flushed her yesterday with 3 gallons of water. Didn’t check EC. I’m going to flush again tomorrow or the next day depending on dryness. Then I’ll start nutes again at a very low level with more water run off. Hope this will stop the burning. I did leave her in veg mode for way to long. Nearly 5 months. Started 12/12 on October 7th.
Over all they good really good. You’re going to have a good harvest. Re the FF feeding chart, those people are crazy. Nuke them with fertilizer, then right when they’re about to show toxicity flush with sledge hammer. Then start all over again. I just shake my head. I prefer a more balance approach. Also I think their NPK ratios are out of whack. high on P and low on K in relation to N.
Yea I’m going to go a more organic approach next go around. If this is pure jaiger then it can flower for 10 weeks so just not trying to kill her on the home stretch.