Having some issues!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, firstly i'd like to thank everyone who has replied to my previous posts, you have been really helpful.

i have 2 questions

first question

my situation is this, im a month into veg with my 2 White Rhino plants which are at about 20 cm in height, however are both really bushy. is that a good growth or do you believe my plant's growth are really slow?
we have to look at the species aswell, as the white rhino plant is a bushy short plant right?

second question

my lighting system is not professional i'd like to add, will show you the link of where i got my gear, i have a flowering and vegging bulb, 200W, as you can see on the website, its the plug and grow kit. will i lose major yield because of the wattage? is it still worth the hastle of growing?

if you can answer my two questions in sperate parts that would be great so i can distinct one from the other,

http://www.lightsystems.co.uk/reflectors.htm For the reflector
http://www.lightsystems.co.uk/bulbs.htm for the bulbs

cheers, nick


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure that will do ok for two plants. WR is a pretty bushy plant
as for what ive heard your doin ok so far. Pics do wonders on this site
though, but i hope i can help.

Question #1-sounds good, if its bushy keep it up :D
Question #2-Of course you wont get the same results
as if you used a 400watt HPS but hell yeah its still worth
it. WR is a very strong plant, guaranteed to put you on your
ass for a WHILE. So IMO - Worth the hassle :]