Having trouble figuring out where to top my northern lights.


These girls have bounced back pretty good (I think I got lucky) after being over watered. Going to give them a drink tomorrow. I was looking at the tops trying to figure out where to top them.
Most of the videos/images I've seen seem to have longer spaces between the nodes.

There 3 weeks from sprout today.
They seem really bushy to me but it's my first grow and I'm not sure if they should grow like this or if they should be taller.

Any advice is appreciated and thanks in advance!



Thanks. That makes more sense. I was looking at the very top with all the new growth.
Most of what I've seen looks to have more space between the nodes.


Well-Known Member
Short node spacing is good in veg. It means they are getting a good amount of light. Always leave as much as possible when you top so it doesn’t split.


Well-Known Member
Watch a video on “mainlining”

you don’t have to use that method but you can get a better idea of what topping is and does.