Hawaiian trying to turn a bad season good


Well-Known Member
i have took a beating this year!!! loosing 3 crops first was chopped by Police second one my water timer failed when i went on vacation and the third was a shared grow that my partner got hurt and couldn't water and i abandoned it in hopes of saving crop #2 and trying to get her back to life anyway!.

NOTE: all my grows are guerilla grows

now i have started a small plot closer to home (on my side of the island) and i will be doing about 20 plants in grow bags because i only have to water every week and a half. when i plant in the ground i have to water once a week. plus now it is the Hawaiian short season and i lost all my long season crops. the bags will be EZ!!.

im using sungrow mix #4 with water crystals that i added my self which is a must where i grow.

im going organic on this grow to see how it goes. i hike all my soil and water in to my plots so its HARD WORK! i only have 5 clones up there now, 4 are a local strain that i fell in love with and 1 is a super silver haze (the only sativa i will grow this year). 15 are in week one of cloning and should root in another week 6 white widows and 9 more of the local strain.

ask any questions you like i will up date pics every week and a half. ALOHA

this is crop #1 cops got it

heres crop #2 (drayed out and died) early to later pics

here is pics of week 1

heres week 2.5


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
You know I'm on this one Hawaiian! Throw up a link to this thread in my journal to KkDay, I would but I can't, I'm on my mobile:( awesome brah! Plus rep:bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
If you need some more variety, give me a call... I'd like to see the hijack going guerilla;)
I got other stuff too! It's good to be back on Oahu:bigjoint: yeehaawww!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't do much seed now cuz after my last seed experience 2 females out of 10 killed me. But I got some O.G. Kush X afghan and some white rhino seeds I need to start so I yeah I will try the hijack. That's for jumping on.

I grow normaly w/ chemicals "gaviota" and "miracle grow" And this grow will be organic so any one w suggestions is appreciated. I'm going to use Alaskin fish emulshion, bone and blood mill.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Kkday, I'm glad you are going for it! If there is anything I can possibly do just let me know! I'm extremely happy that you are making the move away from 'Miracle Grow'. That's shit is okay for mom's indoor plants, but not for a guerilla op. Kkday, since you are limited to guerilla ops., are you sure you wanna switch to organic? Perhaps you should avoid the Alaskan Fish emulsion too. That shit will attract some four legged critters. Go with what Dr. Greenhorn suggested. Go out and purchase some Bat Guano & worm castings.

Just for the record. Your grow is no longer organic, once you mix in the watering crystals.

Dude, we have to expand your "grow" horizon. We need to bury your Miracle Grow at the Kailua Dump too. That stuff is pure poison Kkday. It will ruin the end product time and time again! Besides, the sht smokes HOT!!!!!

Gotta get my kids ready for school right now. I will return

A hui hou,

Howzit Hawaiian, hope this round works out for you brah, I'm just a lurker but curious to see how this pans out for you I'm subscribed, yea never know maybe I should start up a guerilla grow its been about 15 years. btw I stumbled across one of your post you were asking the best way to take plants up, this is how we did so many moons ago,

18" to 20" long pvc pipe 4" in diameter removable caps on both sides
once the plants about 12"- 16" we submerge the soil in water swish around till all soil is gone
pack the roots in wet paper towels then drop in the pvc from the top
the trick is to uncap the bottom and it comes out, the leaves and branches are intact minimal stress
but only the strong survive oh yeah we were getting 20 - 30 plants per pvc.


Well-Known Member
Ho cuz das another good way!! I have been using PVC 4" my Dixie cups fit perfect in there but dats 1 each pipe. I even do the cup over the plant in a cup and tape um but the sativas get huge in the Dixie cups, like 2 and a half feet. Mahalo cuz stick around it's going be slow till I get the bulk of my clones up there. But the update pics of the 5 up there will come in steady. Right now I just stalk pileing soil up there every time I water. Aloha


Well-Known Member
Alaskan Fish emulsion is no no..... get animals going after it.....

should check out BMO ;) they will ship you organic EWC and Bat Guano.....

Seaweed extract!!

Bio Bizz Bloom is all organic! molasses and Sea kelp, check it out....

looks good....

cops suck..

RIU rocks

Always there for yah ;)


Well-Known Member
I hope you have better luck on your 3rd try kkday.

All the positive vibes from RIU should help!!


Well-Known Member
Wow right on guys for the support!! Crazy friends family and complete strangers all in one page. Now I'm obligated to pull this off! Here's A pic of the clones but it will be another week till they have there roots. Then I will veg them for a month indoors under cfl's then put them out in the mountains where they will flip into flowering cuz the natro light cycle is just about 12/12 here.


Well-Known Member
hey babe, aunty here. i harvested that Damage and i put it back to regenerate . we need to take some clones from her also, mean.


Well-Known Member
Yup aunty Kc brain damage was beutifull hope she makes it. I say we trim the white widows roots and get her in a smaller pot. If you run out of room aunty let me take a few more cuttings off that mother I gave you and you can flower her out.