He Never Has Bugs


Well-Known Member
Was talking to my Son. Told him I have Flea Beatles in my Peppers and he just looks at me thinking why do I always have Bugs?

Maybe I'm more observant.

Dealt with Leaf Hoppers, Fungus Gnats, White Flies, Spider Mites and now Flea Beatles and according to him I always have a problem and he don't.

He is waiting on me to buy Happy Frog which I'm not. He is now waiting on my Bud but it won't be ready for months. I don't know but he should have some. He thinks my soil is the problem. Think about this Son the Peppers are out in my Garden so it is not the soil.

He could ask me for some Beans if he is needing them. I'm thinking he needs to deal with his own grow instead of mooching off Dad.
I have them. Most Bugs hate a strong smelling plant.

Main thing is Peppermint. And I have it.

I have Garlic and Basil in my Grow at present to deter Bugs.