Heads full 'o seeds

Hello everyone. :)

We grow a few plants outside in an aviary, which we obviously used to keep birds in.
The plants this year have been excellent and best heads in years.


There are more and more seeds in the heads.
My partner, (he is the smoker, not me... I just love growing them and looking after them), says he has tried a few heads and says it is really good smoke. So, we would like some advice on whether to leave the plants to keep growing, or not.

If we keep them growing, will more and more seeds develop or is it best to take them out now?

Thank you all for reading this post....

Love from the boring, drug free Mary (gimme sparkling wine anytime!) hehe


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking buds and plants .
Are you leaving males or removing any in time before they drop pollen ?
Sometimes a plant can self pollinate also. Being outside insects CAN pollinate your plants. There is a number of different scenarios that could produce seeded buds.

Is the end harvest satisfactory ?
This being outside allows many factors come into play.
Very nice looking buds and plants .
Are you leaving males or removing any in time before they drop pollen ?
Sometimes a plant can self pollinate also. Being outside insects CAN pollinate your plants. There is a number of different scenarios that could produce seeded buds.

Is the end harvest satisfactory ?
This being outside allows many factors come into play.

Well we had a couple of males and thought we pulled them out in time, but perhaps not.I was checking twice every day for males.

My partner says that this lot (in the pics above) is very good smoke already. He has been smoking every day since he was 16 and he is 65 now. So I think he knows his stuff so to speak hehe.

But basically, I want to know that IF we leave the plants in to mature just a wee bit more, will they produce more seeds than if we harvested them now.

Thanks for the reply by the way Budz :D


Well-Known Member
How many seeds?

I find seeds in some buds. But, it's just 3-12 seeds for an entire plant. It's not all plants. It seems to be stress related. I have an inexpensive tent. I thought it could be light leaks (maybe some strains more sensitive to that.). But, I found 5-6 seeds in a couple autoflowers I was having acidic soil with. Autos aren't sensitive to light. So, it must've been the stress of the acidic soil (and my harsh remedies).

I keep the seeds and they grow well.


Well-Known Member
It depends.
How bad is the seed situation.
Maybe some close shots at the bud will tell.
Also how mature is it.
More close up pics would help with that questions too,.
If the seed situation is OUT OF HAND then you might have to chop and save what you have.
If the situation is small green seeds that havent matured yet and you only have a week to go I would say go for it.
Hope that jhelps


Well-Known Member
I would say its a win - win . Seeds and good smoke.
Probably a little hermie action happened and seeds appeared.

:bigjoint: Dank you very much
It depends.
How bad is the seed situation.
Maybe some close shots at the bud will tell.
Also how mature is it.
More close up pics would help with that questions too,.
If the seed situation is OUT OF HAND then you might have to chop and save what you have.
If the situation is small green seeds that havent matured yet and you only have a week to go I would say go for it.
Hope that jhelps

How many seeds?

I find seeds in some buds. But, it's just 3-12 seeds for an entire plant. It's not all plants. It seems to be stress related. I have an inexpensive tent. I thought it could be light leaks (maybe some strains more sensitive to that.). But, I found 5-6 seeds in a couple autoflowers I was having acidic soil with. Autos aren't sensitive to light. So, it must've been the stress of the acidic soil (and my harsh remedies).

I keep the seeds and they grow well.
How many seeds?

I find seeds in some buds. But, it's just 3-12 seeds for an entire plant. It's not all plants. It seems to be stress related. I have an inexpensive tent. I thought it could be light leaks (maybe some strains more sensitive to that.). But, I found 5-6 seeds in a couple autoflowers I was having acidic soil with. Autos aren't sensitive to light. So, it must've been the stress of the acidic soil (and my harsh remedies).

I keep the seeds and they grow well.
How many seeds?

I find seeds in some buds. But, it's just 3-12 seeds for an entire plant. It's not all plants. It seems to be stress related. I have an inexpensive tent. I thought it could be light leaks (maybe some strains more sensitive to that.). But, I found 5-6 seeds in a couple autoflowers I was having acidic soil with. Autos aren't sensitive to light. So, it must've been the stress of the acidic soil (and my harsh remedies).

I keep the seeds and they grow well.


Those above are pics of a little bit that has been harvested from the same plant. Sorry the pictures are not great.
Some have seeds and some don't. Have decided to harvest the lot. There is a crap load of resin on them, and as the smoke is apparently so good, that we may as well harvest the lot.

Thanks everyone for your comments.... very much appreciated and BIG HUGS to you all.

Until next time. Take care and enjoy XXX