Healthy dark leaves going light green


Active Member
My plants are starting to go from healthy green to light green from the edges in. Theyve only gotten a 1/4th strength nutes about 1 weeks worth. The plants are about 7 wks.


Well-Known Member
Well I cant see how big their pots are, but @ 7 weeks old, and with the light feeding (1/4 strength) you've been doing, I'd say that it's time to up the fertilizer dosage. The plant is getting bigger and hungrier. I dont know what kind of fertilizer you are using but you want a well rounded fert, something that contains Magnesium, and other micro elemnets in addition to N-P-K.
The other thing I would mention is that anytime you begin to have problems with MJ plant to make sure your soil PH is in an acceptable range between 6.3 and 7.0. Adding fertilizer to potted plants increases the acidity of the medium over time.
Were you able to get any help from the website with the pictures of plant deficiencies I linked to?
The more info you give the more accurate help you will recieve. What type of soil, type of fertilizer, lights, water, PH, pot size, temps, humidity, etc... all very important. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks for youre response. To address the questions I am growing rockwool in clay pebbles in 4" square pots. Flora Nova veg nutes so far its been about once a day watering, im not sure how moist the rockwool should be. Ive got the bottom of the rockwool about 1" above water fill line and with 15 mins of flood time per thats all my timer can do the wool goes from a slightly dusty feel at the top to a nice moisture level. Temps with 400MH 80ish humidity 20 lights off temps low 70's. Plenty of ventilation. They are not even a foot tall yet and I suspect growth was stunted by giving nutes too early and having had to wait for them to recover they barely have the beginnings of new branches.


Well-Known Member
OK. I'm a soil grower. I have no idea about your watering schedule etc... But from what i just checked out your flora nova should contain everthing your plant needs. Make sure your PH (5.5 -6.5 for soiless) is good and up the dose of flora nova a little bit. Don't overdo it.


Active Member
Ive just noticed a bit of tip burn, doesnt that mean too much nutes? Also the new leaves starting out on top are twisting.


Well-Known Member
This could be a zinc issue. The paling looks like it is effecting the newer leaves first to me, just what I can see from your pics. Either way, I would guess Magnesium or Zinc. However, do as itsgrowinglikeaweed said and check your PH before doing ANYTHING else. If your PH is off, then adjust it and it will most likely fix the issue.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I often are you testing your Res's PH? That shit can fluctuate while its sitting there just so you know. I am about of ideas on this one though. If the twisty junk is not from PH issues, then its probably humidity. Your yellowing is either Magnesium or Zinc...7 week old plants @ 1/4 strength. Try upping the dosage of your nutes a bit. If you think your PH is good, then its a lack of Mag or Zinc due to underfeeding. Anyway, best of luck bro. I am sure someone here will be able to tell you whats going on.



Active Member
Yeah Im pretty sure the pH is good, I went through a whole droplet bottle testing ph every few hrs when I frist started out. Im thinking you're right on them being low on nutes, does nute def. show up as burnt tips?


Well-Known Member
IMO droplet bottles are crap man. I was using one and THOUGHT my PH was good. Started having issues, someone said it was my PH. I didn't think it was. Said what the hell, and went bought a PH pen. Tested the run off of my plants and it was @ like 7.8! Just telling you my experience. Depending on the nute issue, yes some can give burnt tip symptoms. Especially if they are allowed to progress.

I shot you a PM, hope it helps.