Healthy or not?


Well-Known Member
you have got to be joking........a cracked coconut with a 2mm tap root..........yeah.........its the Mighty Joe Young; strong like bull


Well-Known Member
cant tell

its not grown out enough

just wait a day or 2 and you should have some nice green cotyledon leaves then first true leaves


Well-Known Member
OMG... I see it...had to search for a bit on your picture...but by God I found it.

Your doomed my friend ! :fire:

Sarcasm aside. If I'm correctly seeing it... just give it time...don't over water and no nutes.

Write back in about 7 days and let us know how it is doing... OK?


Well-Known Member
I deffly will! in a week I'll post another picture, I'm just really worried it's my first grow. ^^ hehe
that is one of the biggest mistakes you can possibley make. relax, if you sit and worry all the time you are probably going to hurt it with good intentions. ive seen it happen many times. all of the sudden some little problem thats nothing major will pop up and be over-reacted to and suddenly nothing major is a big problem. so just relax bro. it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Make sure the soil it's in doesn't get completely dried out and you'll be fine. Most likely issue at this stage is that the soil dries around the root and the seedling dies. Make sure as soon as the leaves are out from under the seed to make sure you got some airflow going and the light is not too far (plant will stretch) or too close (light/heat stress).