Healthy Plant But Got No Clue What I'm Doing! HELP!


Active Member
Well the title says it all! I have two healthy looking green phenoms, but honestly I havent the slightest what I need to be doing. Both of these grew un-intentional in a rose pot that I throw all my seeds, stems, roaches into. Well 2 of them rooted and took off in growth. They have been growing since the end of April. They started at the same time but yet, the one is obviously doing better its almost 8x in height. The short one has had node 1 and 2's clipped due to heavy wilting early on which led to some to discolorization as well as death to that portion of the leaf. Removed it and now continueing its growth, but real slow.

The plants are currently stationed in a "LARGE" pot with a rose bush on a screen room patio, but unfortunatly need to be moved outside into the wilderness because im moving. At what point in time should I worry about it budding? How do I tell the sex, ive been told what to look for, but to be honest i dont know wtf it is im actually lookin for, so a picture would be good of a female as well as a male.

I hear about the "vegistation stage" flowering, budding, i am oblivious. please help lol the more info the better cuz i dont want to mess up my new friends health anymore then i prolly already have. attached is some pictures, ill add a ton more so you guys can properly analyze the situation and provide me with any positive or negative feedback!

Pictures will be added asap!!!


Active Member
these pictures were taken today. Plant Birth: Last Week of April for both plants.

^Look at the huge difference in size but yet same in age....

The healthier 1 of the has 7 nodes currently, have clipped the wilting damaged leaves to remain only the healthy and its been growing well over past 2-3wks.

this is the short 1 and it also appears to have some yellow coloring to the leaves, and i dont think its

Few questions...

the short plant was originally the taller one but the other one has shot passed it like it was sitting still. The large one grows an average of 2-3" a day over the past 2weeks. it went from 1ft 1in. to 2ft 4" in less then 1 week.

Suggestions please!? The seeds came from some decent dro in the area.... other then that i dont i notice other plants that people have growing outside that are similiar in age, height, but their plants look a ton thicker while mine looks like the charlie brown christmas why is that? am i doing something wrong or is it just possibly how this plant grows.


Well-Known Member
Id scrap the rose bush and move the pot to where ever with both plants still in. Id keep both in the same position so the big one keeps growing as healthy as it is now. Read up on LST growing and consider that with the taller plant. Forcing it to the center of the pot, exposing its side to more light and pulling the stem away from the side all seem beneficial.


Well-Known Member
your larger one looks a lot like mine (but with thicker main stem)

my tips are: 1) Seperate them into seperate containers. The probable reason for the shorter plant is root competition from the big one.

2) if you must put it outside, find a secluded section in the woods away from roads, trails, etc.(thats what i did, only problems so far are a deer knocked 2 of mine over one time, so they grew weird for a few days. and I have found a weird bug that put a white residue on my main stem (cured it by rubbing snuff (smokeless tobacco) where the bugs were, been fine ever since)

3) use organic fertilizer. about 1/2 cup for them. May seem like a lot, but it breaks down over time, only releasing what the plant needs (may help the short one's yellowing)

4) if/when you put them outside, I recommend a anti- everything spray. Take like 3 ciggerettes or a fat pinch of snuff, soak that in your water for a night, and spray on your plants. The nicotine kills all the bugs, and all animals hate the smell of it. Do that bout every 3 weeks.

"If it aint natural, it aint real" KMK's