Healthy White Rhino plants leaves curling up around the edges


Active Member
DSCF2005.jpgDSCF2003.jpgDoes anyone know what could be causing this? its about 40 inches away from a 400w hps and always has a fan blowing on it. Light cycle is 16/8 soil is FFOF i've used blood meal 12-0-0 twice and this organic alaska all purpose fertilizer 7-7-2 once. I think it might be from over fertilizing but im not sure...this is my first indoor grow.DSCF1989.jpg


Active Member
i had this and it turned out to be humidity and air flow, bacon is bang on for my 2p worth.
make sure they are getting fresh air and not in a stuffy area, and make sure the fresh cool air is getting moved around with a fan
you can pick up a humidity/temp reader very cheap


Active Member
Im still having this problem I don't think its heat because well its not that hot where it is..i thought maybe it might be magnesium defiecincy so i did a foliar spray with epsom salt and a flush with started growing a lot faster and leaves started getting bigger but around the leaves they are still curled upwards a little hasnt really worstened but in a couple spots on two of the edges are kinda dark i almost thought it was black at first but its kinda like a dark green and on this leaf too its kinda wrinkled a little bit seeming like its kinda dryed out but its not..If anyone else could give me any advice that would be great.


Active Member
Could be VPD, or heat, or toxic salt build up. How many weeks was has it been in the soil? Also with the dark green it could be to much N. Normally FFOF is good for 3-4 weeks without feeding. You fed Blood meal at 12-0-0 and something else at 7-7-2 = 19-7-2, so it COULD be too much N. But i wouldnt be too woried about it.

Whats the temp and humidity?


Well-Known Member
usually if they curl upwards or the edges sort of flair up. thats because it is too hot the plant is trying to cool itself off. if they kind of hook downward that's either ph , nute lock (toxic salt build up), or not enough light depending on the strain.

Do you let your water sit out? if you do that's why the leaves get wrinkled and dry out. same thing happened to me. if you let your water sit out. the chlorine does evaporate but the water does too. making the chloromine and other chems that don't evaporate more concentrate which is bad. chlorine is not bad for the plant either. its bad for microbes and bacteria. it kills them . chlorine actually stimulates root growth. it becomes soluble in a nutrient solution and dissolves just like salts do.

are you using well water? well water has high amounts of alkaline which don't evaporate but you control that with ph adjusting or filtering.

its not magnesium def. magnesium just activates enzymes for chlorophyll production and the sodium helps move the mobile elements up and down the plant


Active Member
usually if they curl upwards or the edges sort of flair up. thats because it is too hot the plant is trying to cool itself off. if they kind of hook downward that's either ph , nute lock (toxic salt build up), or not enough light depending on the strain.
I guess Jorge Cervantes is wrong then.

Chlorine over 50ppm is bad. (or is it 140ppm?)


Active Member
Could be VPD, or heat, or toxic salt build up. How many weeks was has it been in the soil? Also with the dark green it could be to much N. Normally FFOF is good for 3-4 weeks without feeding. You fed Blood meal at 12-0-0 and something else at 7-7-2 = 19-7-2, so it COULD be too much N. But i wouldnt be too woried about it.

Whats the temp and humidity?
The plant is about 4 weeks old so you are probably most likely right. Im not sure what the temp and humidity is at the moment. @hyroot I was letting my water sit out before i used it but i gave it some water that i didnt let sit out today and flushed it a couple times. The water doesnt come from a well either


Well-Known Member
I guess Jorge Cervantes is wrong then.

Chlorine over 50ppm is bad. (or is it 140ppm?)

thats in my horticulture 202 book. also if you read or watched jorge cervantes. he says don't take everything he says to the exact. what works for him might not work for you. experiment and figure it out. i think its much higher than that to be bad. tap water alone is already 200 ppm's on average with everything in it.


Well-Known Member
The plant is about 4 weeks old so you are probably most likely right. Im not sure what the temp and humidity is at the moment. @hyroot I was letting my water sit out before i used it but i gave it some water that i didnt let sit out today and flushed it a couple times. The water doesnt come from a well either

i was just throwing out all possibilities. i had that problem when i let my tap water sit out. i have a buddy who is in the mountains and his whole town relies on well water and he bitches about the alkaline and having to buy new filters all the time. i went and bought a pur filter for my tap. and it works great. there's calcium amd mag in the nutes so i don't have to ad calplex. if it gets to hot to a point they start flairing up eventually they will droop if its ridiculously hot

the pur filter is like 25 dol and you can get a little temp/humidity meter for like 6 dol or more depending in which one at walmart or home depot


Well-Known Member
But it also has other trace elements. I think it might be 140ppm

trace elements stimulates growth in ionic form. at 140 ppm's of only chlorine is like 35 public pools. the epa only allows 4 ppm's at most of chlorine in municipal tap water.

go to a pay phone (so no caller id) call your local water company and ask what they put in it whether its just chlorine and or chloromine and what ever else etc........


Active Member
I think it might have been curling up more because i just had a fan blowing around dry air so ive stropped using the fan and it seems to have gotten a little better


Active Member
I use RO water ppm of 008 and EC of .01

Google Vapor Pressure Deficit. Theres a good article about it in Maximum Yield


Well-Known Member
I think it might have been curling up more because i just had a fan blowing around dry air so ive stropped using the fan and it seems to have gotten a little better

you can supposedly get wind burn too from to much fan i guess. i never do. one of my buddies seems to have that problem. i think he's trippin though