Heat comparison LED UFO v.s. CFL


Hi, to start things off Ive read all the threads about using LEDs and if i had the choice i would run an hps. Unfortunately heat is a problem for my lil grow cab so no hps :sad:. I want to throw as many cfls as possible in my cab and after carbon filters and venting i have temp issues with anything over 7 23w cfls (161watts). My question is this... How does a 90w LED UFO compare heat wise to 90w from CFLs? I would like to have one 90w LED UFO with 3 23w cfls( 2 on the sides and 1 in the middle) totaling to 159w of power consumption all on 2 plants. How do you guys think the temps would be compared to 7 23w cfls? How do you think the quality and quantity would also compare? Comments from people with actual experience on these types of lighting please. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Free bump, I hope you find your answer, and post back here when you do :). My grow cab project is still in the planning phase and if I can't obtain a cab that can house a HPS (which is likely) I'll be in your shoes as well. It is hard to find opinions on LEDs from people who have actually used them, and a number of LED journals i've seen are always supplemented at some point by a bunch of CFLs.

Can you post any pictures of your grow cab, and maybe let everyone know what your temperatures are capping out at?


Free bump, I hope you find your answer, and post back here when you do :). My grow cab project is still in the planning phase and if I can't obtain a cab that can house a HPS (which is likely) I'll be in your shoes as well. It is hard to find opinions on LEDs from people who have actually used them, and a number of LED journals i've seen are always supplemented at some point by a bunch of CFLs.

Can you post any pictures of your grow cab, and maybe let everyone know what your temperatures are capping out at?
Well i currently have 3 80mm 38cfm pc fans for the exhaust. For the intake i have 1 120mm 73cfm and 1 80mm 32cfm pc fans. Without the carbon filters and intake vent/light trap i was able to keep my temps at 68*F intake and 75*F exhaust with 2 80mm exhaust fans and 1 120mm intake fan. As soon as i threw the filters and intake vent on things got bad, so i attached extra fans. With the extra fans and just the intake vent on temps are 68*F intake and 76.5*F exhaust. Yesterday i tried using the carbon filters and the temps topped out around 81-83*F. Those temps are grow able but a little high in my opinion. This is because if the room temperature simply increases to 71*F now im seeing temps in the +85*F range. Here are some pics of the inside of my cab.

http://tinypic.com/r/2u97gnl/6 Outside

http://tinypic.com/r/1zoykwl/6 Inside

http://tinypic.com/r/15yay6u/6 Exhaust fans

http://tinypic.com/r/28lz4g6/6 Intake Fans


So i have been doing some more thinking, what are your guys thoughts about me buying two 14w led panels and placing them on the sides for supplemental lighting. Then i would be able to possibly reduce the number of cfls from 7 to 5. Let me know you guys think? Thanks