Heat Damage question


So I had a nice, beautiful plant growing under cfls and in soil and i changed the setup a bit to make it a little more discreet. i close off the top and did not account for the rapid increase of heat. Basically the top main cola of the plant has been damaged. Ive made somewhat better of a circulation system inside, as well took of half my cfl lights so that the heat would lower.

My main question now is will this part of the plant recover? if i water it a bit more to accomodate the heat as well as lower the heat and add circulation, can my plant make any improvement?

Or, should I just cut the top cola off at this point?



Well-Known Member
At this point, damage is done. Not sure cutting is going to help anything, and may do harm. Give it a few days(at least). If there is unrecoverable damage, then maybe trim that away. Generally, only cut away dead plant, not live.


Active Member
from what i've seen, after a plant is damaged, the messed up areas won't really get better...which sucks...
cfl's don't let off that much heat though, sucking in some air from an air conditioned room would work wonders for you. i have a 1000w MH and 6 100w cfls, and sucking in a/c air (2 wal-mart 4 inch fans in some 4 inch pvc i shoved through the wall) took my temps down to 80-83 from a high of 94.3


well i think i'm going to clip the main cola then. it seems to be drying out. being my first grow i accidentally snapped it days before the temp increase so i'm sure the combination of both didn't help. the fan leaves around it are all gone now. I don't think the buds can grow. I'll post updates.



Went to take the main cola down to focus on my many other smaller colas this morning when i noticed that it IS in fact recovering. I have had to water more frequently than before as well as lose some of the cfls (dropping my temp) and added a better ventilation setup.

So far it looks like new leaves are growing in replacing the burnt ones, which means my colas may still grow. Only a few parts of the bud actually burned and turned a brown (not red/orange hairs) so i pulled them off. Tommorrow I will check on its progress and update with pics.

Thanks for the input so far.


Well-Known Member
Good for you! You hung on for a few days, and were rewarded for a bit of patience. +rep for doing the right thing


so when i moved to my new apartment, the main cola snapped off. It never healed or grew.it was a bit taller than my other colas so I think the plant is actually better off. And now I have some sample bud to try. Where it snapped though the buds are exploding and taking over so again, my guess is i just held it on and it was pretty much dead the whole time.


Well-Known Member
i have heard of this occasionally with damaged main colas, they are hurt but end growing as much, if not more, than an undamaged cola


yeah looking at the damaged 6 inch part that fell off vs the buds underneath the snap, a different is obvious. I think that piece has just been dead and drying out, waiting to fall off so I could smoke it. Will test that out tonight. Hope the broken cola tastes good even though its a bit immature.

Thanks for the help