Heat Exhaust Logistics Opinions Needed


Well-Known Member
so I'm fairly new to setting up a complete indoor start to finish system. Basically I am strapped for cash (who isn't?) and would like some opinions from people who use these types of systems. I need to know if I will need only one, or two, or possibly three of these 6" centrifugal fans to adequately cool my rooms during the summer. In the summer here it typically is 80-85 degrees F with very few days over that, I would normally have my room A/C'd to about 69-70 degrees F. I sketched a general diagram of how I would have it setup.

so do you think I would be fine with just the one, or would I need to put my hoods / filter each with their own fan, or would I need to put each filter on its own 400 cfm fan because they are rated for 400cfm? Let me know what you all think.



Active Member
one 400 cfm fan can do both rooms f you know how to properly size and install the ducting ,fan and filter. (layout)