Heat Issues


New Member
Hello everyone, I need some help. I have a 4x4 tent in my shop outside it's a stainless steel hut 1400sqft. I have a 6inch exhaust fan and two oscillating fans.
I'm using the mars hydro ts 3000.
It's hot plain and simple the shop is hot the tent is hot it's crazy.
What options do I have to keep these babies growing. Everything is still green had a little heat burn but just giving them nice cool water daily.
Any input is appreciated. Just wanting to hear some info on what many of you have went through and did.


Well-Known Member
How hot are you getting exactly? About the only thing you can do is hook up an AC unit to your incoming air flow. There isn't much room in a 4x4 tent to begin with, you also want to make sure you plants are staying a good 12 inches from the light, not easy to do when you're growing seeds(versus mature clones).


New Member
Its 98 sometimes I got fans and a ac infinity exhaust on the 10 setting. I'm watering frequently but yeah this year is just hot. I might have a small yield


Well-Known Member
Its 98 sometimes I got fans and a ac infinity exhaust on the 10 setting. I'm watering frequently but yeah this year is just hot. I might have a small yield
Yeah if you cant cool the area the tent is in your kinda fucked. You could put the 4x4 tent inside a 5x10 tent and run an air conditioner inside the 5x10 tent...... but thats getting kinda crazy.


New Member
Question I have is how do these guys do it outside in these same hot conditions and get a good harvest. What makes that different then doing it inside. Thanks for all the replies guys.


Well-Known Member
You could exchange just enough air and still keep the tent undet 80.

Could seal it up and do co