In a 4x4 or 5x5, which gives off more heat? Say 600 watts cobs vs 630 cmh? Is there a significant difference? A watt is a watt no? Everyone keeps saying leds rub so cool though
In a 4x4 or 5x5, which gives off more heat? Say 600 watts cobs vs 630 cmh? Is there a significant difference? A watt is a watt no? Everyone keeps saying leds rub so cool though
Same watts same amount of heat. CMH will give more leaf temperature and very good Spectrum but less photons than most cobs . Olso heat distribution is different with multiple lights sources than with HiD .
Some watts some amount of heat. CMH will give more leaf temperature and very good Spectrum but less photons that most cobs . Olso heat distribution is different with multiple lights sources than with HiD .
The important part here is leaf temprature. Where as HID heats the leaf directly (desireable up to apoint, especially if your environment is cold) and keeps leaf a bit warmer than environment, with leds the leaves stay slightly cooler than enviroment. Means ideal temp for leds is about 26-27C or even hotter so you'll need less extraction/ac for a led grow if heat is your real problem.