Heat problems in half way through week 7


Well-Known Member
well its 4:23 a.m. where i am...i just woke up and noticed my ladies were smelling up the one end of the house pretty good. I go and check up on them and well...fuck me running...the fan got unplugged last night with lights on and it has fried my girls...leaves that looked healthy last night before bed are dried or drying up and even a couple have burned. being too close hasnt been a problem at this stage of the game....my question is, will the plant recover ?...it should go 55-75 days for flowering and i am currently half way through week 7? the plants were close last night to be in need of water...pot still had a bit of weight, so i didnt water last night. did so this morning after seeing what appears to be the end of my grow...and suggestions would be great...if i need to go ahead and take her down, i just assume to trim up before work today.


Active Member
hey dude they should be fine. the exact thing happened to me on sunday, and it was beginning of week 7 of flowering. i woke up and didnt hear the fan running and noticed the strong smell and the fan got effed up the night before and they went 3 hours without. temps were over 120 degrees, thats where my thermometer stops. she looked like crap at first, real badly wilted. i watered/fed her and she jumped back in no time. a few leaves did shrivel at the tips and eventally die off.

let me know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
something similar happened to me. the kid i left in charge of my babies one weekend when i went home fucked up my ventilation system and when i got back i thoguht all of them would be dead in a few days. after getting them back onto the right ventaliation system and a steady temp they made a f ull recovery.


Well-Known Member
hey dude they should be fine. the exact thing happened to me on sunday, and it was beginning of week 7 of flowering. i woke up and didnt hear the fan running and noticed the strong smell and the fan got effed up the night before and they went 3 hours without. temps were over 120 degrees, thats where my thermometer stops. she looked like crap at first, real badly wilted. i watered/fed her and she jumped back in no time. a few leaves did shrivel at the tips and eventally die off.

let me know how it goes!
well its been a few days now...its hard to say...the one that was nice and rich in color looks like crap...bunch of shriveled tips throughout the buds...but the other unhealthy plant seems to be recovering better. We are too close to the end now...THEY MUST NOT DIE...lol


Well-Known Member
What did you change so far?
well i havent left the exhaust fan off since that episode..lol...i swear what used to be the healthier of the two, is getting worse by the day...even tho i just started my 8th week of flower, i dont think its going to make it to the end...they do seem to have more growth coming out of it, but the big cola looks sad...i know the leaves will die off as part of the flowering process...but since the heat problem, most of whats dying off is in the main cola bud...couple lower buds have a minor abuse and look like they will manage...but im guessing im going to lose the top of the one...and part of the top of the other one....who knows...im so confused..lol...i need to get pics up but the cell phone cam isnt all that great, and the digitial camera only seems to work when it wants to :s