Heat stress... please help


Active Member
A couple of my colas and top fan leaves off my babys got burnt due to heat. when i noticed them they were just touching the inside hood just under the bulb. its been just over a week since i raised the lights but i noticed a couple of them havnt made much change. Would an incident like this cause a slow down in growth? Also should i trim away the damaged part of the cola and burnt part of the leaves or just leave it to deal with at harvest. (note: plants are about 2 weeks away from harvest)


Well-Known Member
Without a photo it would be hard to determine. I would say if the damaged portion of the plant is dried and dead, remove the dead plant matter to keep from inviting pest. Sucks your so close to harvest, but I think worse case scenario you lost some potency in that cola. I wouldn't beat your self up over it, you'll still get plenty of good smoke.