Heat stress?


Leaves curling sideways possible heat stress we just got through a heat wave struggled to keep tent from cooking my ladies. Its not from over watering for sure any thoughts would be appreciated. All the other plantss are fine it's just this one :wall:not bugs either 20220808_134545.jpg20220808_134500.jpg20220808_134451.jpg20220808_134416.jpg
Looks similar to tobacco mosaic virus.

edit: I’ve read that plants who are affected will grow slower, & produce less. However.. it doesn’t mean your smoke will be horrible.
I've seen it on plants before with a leaf or two but never to this extent and my first thought was t.m.v. but thats suppose to spread to other plants supposedly and i read somewhere heat stress can make leaves curl sideways sometimes with some strains
@HydroKid239 and @Takbud what are the strains you’re seeing the variegated leaves on? I’ve been tracking this for a minute and in my own breeding practices I have isolated what I believe to be the source based on research another person has done with similar genetics.
@HydroKid239 and @Takbud what are the strains you’re seeing the variegated leaves on? I’ve been tracking this for a minute and in my own breeding practices I have isolated what I believe to be the source based on research another person has done with similar genetics.
Mine is “Night king x Lurch” Thug pug/SSSC collab #5
Mottling / pigmentation issues happen . Had a few with solid two tone leaf ( split down middle of leaf finger ) or similar curving. Looked like a skunk stripe. Ignored for most part as it would not be plant wide.
@HydroKid239 and @Takbud what are the strains you’re seeing the variegated leaves on? I’ve been tracking this for a minute and in my own breeding practices I have isolated what I believe to be the source based on research another person has done with similar genetics.
This ones a strawberry diesel can't remember other strains I've seen it on before but this one is inside i have two more of same outside and they look normal
I grew Northern Lights from Nirvana and that happened to me too. Didn't affect the grow at all though.
This ones a strawberry diesel can't remember other strains I've seen it on before but this one is inside i have two more of same outside and they look normal

I have a Sfrawberry Cough x Blue Satellite 2.2 male that has passed this trait in, I’ve also seen reports of the same parents to my my Blue Satelite causing this issue. I think it’s Thai related in the DJS lines