Heater Hell!!!!


Active Member
So...another smallish issue in the grow room. My first grow room I had a small 'milkhouse' heater, pic attached. I didn't think anything of it. I stayed in the grow room a couple times after it went dark looking for light leaks and none we're too be found. One day on my first grow I went in with a green light in the middle of the dark cycle to check on something and low and behold..that little fucking heater's grills we're all throwing off red light!!! fk me. Didn't even think about it. So...2nd grow now and I bought a radiant oil heater, thinking that there are no visible heating elements to throw off red light. Pic attached. I tape all my power lights and stuff. So...I go in the grow room here a week ago, like 4 days into the 12/12 and I see RED FUCKING LIGHT through the small air vents!!! GAAARRRR pulling my hair out with this goddamn heater issue. My room is outside, so no in house heat. 2 questions:
1. Does anyone have any good suggestions for a heater that doesn't throw off light while doing it's job?
2. Would 4-5 days of minor red light during the 12/12 phase be enough to create some hermie plants already?

I have created a half-ass shroud and painted the inside of it flat black to contain the red light for now, but I know it's not 100%. I'm in day 10 of the 12/12.



Active Member
Was hoping for some advice...like within the next..oh..say...9hrs and 13 minutes :)
Why dont you drill out the led and then use electrical/fireproof silicon in the hole, if you got the skill it should work, doubt the led is in any kind of
series circuit with a heating element, so you should be ok to try it out...at your own risk. lol.

You could take it apart and just color the LED on the front and back with a black sharpie too.
Which you can reverse with some kind of paint-thinner or acetone if you want the led back.

You solder or wire in a switch to the led+ (hot, red, live) end, run the wires out a vent on the top and you can turn them on/off anytime you want.
You'd only want to use solder and not tape in a heater, unless you KNOW the tape isnt going to get hot and melt.

Use what you have, its a simple fix.


A tiny led in a heater, its unlikely that it will make your plants herm imo. If they are a decent strain, i'd put my money on them being females (if they were f to begin with).


Active Member
Thanks for the post CanadianEH!! I say EH all the time eh :) Alaskan, so we're neighbors. Here's the deal man, it's not the LED it's the light emitting from the grill/elements/coils inside the heater itself. LED's I just tape over. I need a heater that doesn't emit light and can be used in the same room. I'm on day 10 of 12/12 and I've got one plant for sure that's got double hair fem bud spots all over it and then like 2 places with nut clusters forming...gonna try to pick them for now and keep a close on on 'her'. I need to get this heater problem nailed down though, it's the ONLY possible light leak I've got left.


Active Member
Now i know why you run a heater eh. lol

Your telling me heating elements are causing light inside the tent?
Dude, i dont think you'll have any issue with that, almost all of them can do this, just move it lower or higher in your grow area if your worried.
Chain it up higher or lower, you could use it indirectly with a board or piece of metal a little bit infront of it too and diffuse the light to the sides.

Let me know how it works out, cheers.


Active Member
Right on man. I built a 75% cover and painted it flat black. Hope we won't have any problems. Exactly HOW sensitive are plants to ANY amounts of light?

The Growery

Active Member
I recently went through the exact same thing, cept I left my heater with the red led on at night for a month straight! I'm into week 4 of flower now and everything is good to go, no hermies.