heathly purple stems ? genetic ?


Active Member
since this plant looks happy to me,
what is the cause of the purple only on the tops
the fan stems ? genetics of plant ?

can you figure out it's 'roots' so to speak ?

upstate ny, last month, warm, daily sun and rain, wet year

loose cannon :blsmoke:


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As long as your plants healthy..and it is..nice job..some strains do have purple color stems...but it can be a sign of def.. but that is usually accompanied by poor growth..etc... Nice plant...... +rep. Luck.
I have one like that too. And like yours mine is healthy. i wouldn't worry about it. I know here where i'm at the temp outside was in 100's for a week or two, and now a front moved in, and the highs are in the 70's. I just noticed the new color so i think it is temperature related (at least in my case). I would just keep an eye on them to make sure they stay "healthy" looking.
just thought some of the experts might
give me a clue as to blood line, i'm a 2nd yr newb, but
never seen purple top / green bottom stems like that

loose cannon :blsmoke:
just from my experience,i would say in your case,its genetic.ive heard some afgani strains are like that.Ive got some the same.Dont think its the cold in your case ,if its from the cold you usualy get purple on leaves as well.look like nice plants,good job.Will be big plants i reckon.
Ive got a bunch of bagseeds that have that. I dont think its anything special. Just a trait, i dont think it indicates a particular strain.
most of the time my seedlings have purple stems
dont think it has any thing to do with the strain
some one told me once that it means its healthy :)