Heating Pad? Good or Bad?

I was just wondering how people are feeling about putting already germinated seeds(freshly put into soil) on top of heating pads. Anyone done this? How did that turn out for you guys? Right now I have ten sitting on top of one in my greenhouse tray. Should I keep the heating pad on 24/7 or cycle it ? Thanks for everyones input :]


Well-Known Member
i will work if you need it most of the time its not neccary, does your soil feel warm? then its warm enough in winter my plants are on concrete floor i put heating pads under the cloners and raise young plants off the floor, but yes heating pads work and can speed up germination rates


New Member
Warm roots will grow quicker but so does mold spores. You have to watch for too warm and drying out. Medium can be quite cool, I live in the north and I do not heat my water or medium in any way and have no problems.

Remember the warmer it is the less o2 available.


Well-Known Member
Remember the warmer it is the less o2 available.
good thing plants don't breath o2 like you and i, plants use co2 remember, which is more abundant in higher temps

don't blindly heat and ask if you should cycle that, how would we know?? measure the temp and shoot for a mark!