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Just watched Heavy, it is a new show on A&E, and it shows these obese people and brings them to some camp to help them lose weight and then they are sent home to continue, and if they dont follow the plan they are sent back to the camp. The grand total is 150 days that they follow these people with cameras. Holy shit these people where huge. I know that to be considered obese you have to have a body fat level of 30% or higher. I don't understand how anyone could let them get to this size. One guy was over 500lbs, with this huge growth on his leg, this guy could barely walk 10 steps without having to sit down, and breaking into a sweat that could flood a small village. People say it's all in people genes, and yes I can believe that, but anyone can lose weight, it has been proven time and time again, on many different weight loss shows. So when people say they can't lose weight, that is full of shit. Yes they dont have the professional help that is given in all these shows, but if when they started to gain all this weight, they did something about it then it wouldn't have gotten to the point where they need professional help. No one can be happy looking in the mirror and seeing themself like that. Get on a diet, stop eating so much junk, go to the gym, and don't just buy the gym membership and not go, that will not help your situation, it would just be like paying a fat tax. And USA is getting pretty bad with its obesity, like I talked about before I think its time to start putting warnings on all your fast food, like I have on my smokes, it could just state "300000 people die from obesity each year". Thats 822 people a day dropping from eating one to many big macs in their days. I read an article says the US government wants to bring their level of obese people, which is 30% of the population, to 15%. That is almost 1 in 3 people are obese. This is going to be one hard task, considering the population is 307006550, and 30% would be 92101965, that is a lot of people they are going to need to put on these TV shows, or I guess just wait for them to die off, at a rate of 822 a day you only got 2 years to wait. The only way they will be able to bring this number down is by placing bans on certain foods, and maybe not allowing McDonalds to have three restaurants in a one block radius. Or this Big Gulp from Seven Eleven that I hear so much about, especially now I seen on The Colbert Report that they lowered the size secretly and people are getting mad. Can anyone actually drink that much before it all melts; I dont even know if stomachs are large enough to contain all that. And now Starbucks has their own Big Gulp, only 31 ounces so a little smaller than the Seven Eleven version but still huge, maybe this is the probably everything being served in these huge sizes big gulps, supersized, bear sized, biggie sized...And they need to start at the schools, they should have an Obesity Class, so all the larger kids can go learn what to do so they don't end up dead like mom and dad. Well back to the show Heavy, the guy that was over 500lbs lost like 170lbs in 150 days, which was very impressive, he is now able to walk more than ten steps, and if he continues Im sure he will eventually be an average weight. This goes to show that anyone can lose the weight, that man could barely walk and he kept pushing himself, and in 150 days lost over 150 pounds, congratulations man. And theres probably some plus size people reading this, and if so my message to you is help yourself before you end up the next person on Heavy.