heed help


Active Member
my question is i have 6 plants that have these flower type thing on top of the plants. they look like seeds and i was wondering are they going to turn into buds or are they just seeds?


Active Member
no not yet but the little seed looking things are like flowers and they are falling off the plant. and i'm trying to find my camera to take a picture.


Well-Known Member
is it on all of them????it sounds to me like u have male plants my friend..sry to break the news to ya but thats what it sounds to me...is there any white pistals on any of them or is it just little balls?


Active Member
without a photo its hard to diagnose
but on the blind id say u have males
id be seperating them from the others in hope the others are girls
as the male usually shows sex before fems
do a search? do they have a cluster like a hand of bannanas?
all the best


Active Member
well they will only cause u dramas
males = pollen
pollen with a fem = seeds
no sinsimellia
u can use em for hash i spose
i kill all males as im not breeding so i have no need for em
allt he best


Well-Known Member
yes ,kill,there just a bunch of teenage boys looking for a chick to bust a nut on,sorry bout your luck.hopefully rest r fems.